Disgusting Jewish Transgender crap: HIV+ Biological Male Transgender ‘Breastfeeds’ Baby Chemically-Induced C hest Secretions – My Comments


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[Jews are the only demented human-like garbage on the planet who believe there are 8 sexes. This is disgusting nonsense. Jews are making the planet insane. There are photos of the disgusting man who now claims to be female. People like this man/woman thing are crazy. Jan]

Canada: Murray Pearson, 52, a transgender person who is a biological male, claimed that he is feeding a 9-month old baby with chemically-induced chest secretions. He is receiving support from the Goldfarb lactation clinic in Quebec. He wrote that he has been HIV + for over 18 years and it is under control but could be passed to the baby through his ‘milk’, so he plans to monitor the viral load.

An HIV+ transgender biological male has been allegedly “breastfeeding” a baby with secretions from his hormonally lactating chest with the support of Canadian medical clinics.

Former men’s rights activist Murray Pearson, 52, who uses the name Margaret (Margie) Fancypants on social media, is facing backlash after sharing images of himself chestfeeding an infant at the Goldfarb Clinic in Montreal.

“I have a baby almost 9 months old…I cannot wait to connect through feeding. And yes, I will stop drinking before it negatively affects anything they drink!” said Pearson on the Reddit forum r/TransLater.

“This is a wish I have had for decades. My egg cracked a year ago on December 12 and I realized I could nurse my baby already on the way. That lit a fire under me, and I have gone from having lean pectoral muscle in March to full B-cups now and growing fast,” he added.

Pearson said he was able to feed the infant his chest secretions with the assistance of “medical expertise,” including “five physicians in three clinics in two world class hospitals,” including Goldfarb.

“Two endocrinologists, Newman and Goldfarb, created a protocol to induce lactation in adoptive mothers,” Pearson explained in the comments. “It works for trans women as well, it works best when breast growth is mature but I am taking domperidone while my primary breast growth is underway. By an astonishing coincidence, I live right next to their breastfeeding institute!”

In another post on Reddit, Pearson described how he inserts the female hormone progesterone rectally as a suppository.

“My breasts get a wonderful plumpness and pleasing jiggliness when I have had progesterone the night before….You’ll need some lubricant (personal lube such as K-Y jelly or similar, or silicone personal lube which may be overkill, or some sort of non-irritating oil; I use my own mixture of cocoa butter and shea butter) to allow free clearance for the capsule…Some people simply pop the capsule in their mouth to use saliva, but I like a more effective lube,” he commented.

He also said he’d been HIV+ for over 18 years.

“I am HIV+, continuously controlled for 18.5 years now,” said Pearson in a Reddit post six months ago. “The viral suppression into undetectability [sic] makes sexual transmission impossible. But transmission through milk IS possible if viral load becomes detectable so I will test viral load monthly (opposed to semiannually) to keep a VERY close eye on that.”

Infectious diseases researcher Dr. Marina Klein told Reduxx in a statement that although she’d been helping Pearson monitor his HIV at the Chronic Viral Illness Service of the McGill University Health Center she denied involvement in his “transition” or his efforts to induce lactation.

“It’s important to emphasize that we do not recommend breast feeding for people with HIV as this is the only way to be certain that no HIV transmission will occur after a baby is born,” Dr. Klein said in her response. “However, guidelines have evolved over time with the recognition that the risk of transmission is very low when HIV infection is undetectable with effective therapy…If, after informed discussion, a person expresses a wish to breastfeed they may chose to do so provided they are willing to follow a close protocol of viral monitoring and have their baby followed closely with pediatric specialists who would generally recommend that they receive preventive medication.”

Source: https://needtoknow.news/2024/03/hiv-biological-male-transgender-breastfeeds-baby-chemically-induced-chest-secretions/

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