Direct from France: Information about the French Elections: Macron Vs Le Pen
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[I was talking to a contact in France about the elections. Jan]
Hi xx,
Why did Le Pen Lose?
Did she ever stand a chance?
Do you think people should have supported her?
I liked her father. He was the real power.
Hi Jan,
She lost because, all along the campaign, she was still labelled "extreme right", which she’s not!
You said : "I liked her father. He was the real power" and I liked him too! Personally, I don’t think he wanted to become president; ex-military man, he fought for his country but his biggest mistake was to pass the reins to his daughter, to the detriment of very valuable men – Bruno Gollnish was one them. He was really resented by our ‘clan’.
Ambitious, her priority was to ‘de-demonise" the party, abandoning most of what her father has built – thinking that would be sufficient to succeed… She failed (2017).
This time, having improved her image and policy – thanks to her brother-in-law – wasn’t enough and she had, opposing her, such a deceitful creature who spent his campaign trying to rally the leftists, the green party and the African aliens he let in and could vote!
He’s now going to show the sheeple, his true colours and we expect a grim future, notably concerning forced children’ vaxxination…
His re-election was very well planned : it was his turn to be ‘in charge’ of the EU, which he still is and that encouraged and reassured people to vote for him. Schawb can sleep soundly…
As for us, the fight must go on. General elections are due the 12th & 19th June. We must unite. I’ll let you know more about it, soon.
Another message:
Yes, general elections take place every 5 years. They were talking of bringing back the presidential mandate to 7 years instead of 5. I cannot imagine keeeping that creep for such a long time!
Keeping in mind that there were few candidates in the 1st run and the 2nd one being between the 2 having the best score, they could have tampered the votes in order to have Marine LP again opposite him… An easy prey…
But she managed to get most of her votes from people in rural areas (hard workers, 24-35 years old – Macron got most of his, from ‘towns people’ and from those really paranoid about the so-called "extreme right"…
I’ll keep you inform, let say in a week time, unless something important happens…
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