Differences Between Human Races: 100 Facts


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Video & Audio: Top Communist Jew: Ronnie Kasrils: What is this at the house of a Treasonous Jew?
After the Communist Bolshevik Jew, Ronnie Kasrils had finished speaking, in January 2020, my friend and I had some coffee in the garden.

In this article found 100 facts, the vast majority of which can be easily verified in any set of encyclopedias, almanacs, psychology text, and other reference materials commonly found in any public library.

Cleverly hidden within these hundred facts, for added incentive to read onward, is one lie. Not a lie of statistical or grammatical error, but a ludicrous falsehood at once so absurd as to strike the reader as an insult to human intelligence, and yet so deadly evil that if allowed to go unanswered its final cost would be incalculable.

I sincerely pledge that my motivations are not of insult or hatred, but of the deepest love for mankind and the truest concern for its future generations. my purpose is not to deceive but to enlighten, and I hope this work will help you reflect and reexamine your views on race.

Senator Bilbo’s Warning: “If our buildings, our highways, and our railroads should be wrecked, we could rebuild them. If our cities should be destroyed, out of the very ruins we could erect newer and greater ones. Even if our armed might should be crushed, we could rear sons who would redeem our power. But if the blood of our White race should become corrupted and mingled with the blood of Africa, then the present greatness of the United States of America would be destroyed and all hope for civilization would be as impossible for a Negroid America as would be redemption and restoration of the Whiteman’s blood which had been mixed with that of the Negro.” (Senator Theodore G. Bilbo, of Mississippi in 1947)

FACT #1: The White race has crossed seas, harnessed rivers, carved mountains, tamed deserts, and colonized the most barren icefields. It has been responsible for the invention of the printing press, cement, the harnessing of electricity, flight, rocketry, astronomy, the telescope, space travel, firearms, the transistor, radio, television, the telephone, the lightbulb, photography, motion pictures, the phonograph, the electric battery, the automobile, the steam engine, railroad transportation, the microscope, computers, and millions of other technological miracles. It has discovered countless medical advances, incredible applications, scientific progress, etc. Its members have included such greats as Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Homer, Tacitus, Julius Ceaser, Napoleon, William the Conqueror, Marco Polo, Washington, Jefferson, Hitler, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Magellan, Columbus, Cabot, Edison, GrahamBell, Pasteur, Leeuwenhoek, Mendel, Darwin, Newton, Galileo, Watt, Ford, Luther, Devinci, Poe, Tennyson, and thousands upon thousands of other notable achievers. (37) (39)

FACT #2: Throughout 6,000 years of recorded history, the Black African Negro has invented nothing. Not a written language, weaved cloth, a calendar, a plow, a road, a bridge, a railway, a ship, a system of measurement, or even the wheel. (Note: This is in reference to the pure-blooded Negro.) He is not known to have ever cultivated a single crop or domesticated a single animal for his own use (although many powerful and docile beasts abounded around him.) His only known means of transporting goods was on the top of his hard burry head. For shelter he never progressed beyond the common mud hut, the construction of which a beaver or muskrat is capable. (21) (39)

FACT #3: The I.Q.’s of American Negroes are from 15 to 20 points, on average, below those of American Whites. (26) (16) (18) (22)

FACT #4: These Black\White differences have been demonstrated repeatedly by every test ever conducted by every branch of the U.S. Military, every state, county, and local school board, the U.S. Dept. of Education, etc. The same ratio of difference has held true over a 40 year period. (18) (26) (24)

FACT #5: With an average I.Q. of 85, only 16% of Blacks score over 100, while half the White population does. The Negro overlap of White median I.Q.’s ranges from 10 to 25 percent– equality would require 50 percent. (31) (27) (16)

FACT #6: Blacks are 6 times as likely to have I.Q.’s of 50 to 70 which put them in the slow learner (retarded) category, while Whites are ten times more likely to score 130 or over. (15) (16) (18) (23)

FACT # 7: The U.S. government’s PACE examination, given to 100,000 university graduates who are prospective professional or administrative civil-service employees each year, is passed with a score of 70 or above by 58% of the whites who take it but by only 12% of the Negroes. Among top scorers the difference between Negro and White performance is even more striking: 16% of the white applicants make scores of 90 or above, while only one-fifth of one percent of a Negro applicants score as high as 90–a White/Black success ration of 80/1. (27)

FACT #8: Differences between Negro and White children increase with chronological age, the gap in performance being largest at the high school and college levels. (31) (26)

FACT #9: White/Negro I.Q. differences are constantly excused as results of environmental variations. but at least five studies that have attempted to equate socio-economic backgrounds of the two races indicate no significant change in relative results. As environment improves, the Negro does better but so does the White. The gap is not decreased. (26) In fact, extensive research by DR. G.J. McGurk, associate Professor of Psychology at Villanove University, reveals that the gap in intelligence between Blacks and Whites INCREASES where socio-economic levels of both races are raised to the middle classes. (18)

FACT #10: In 1915, Dr. G.W. Ferfuson took 1000 school children in Virginia, divided them into 5 racial categories, and tested them for mental aptitude. On average. full-blooded Negroes scored 69.2% as high as Whites. Three-quarter Negroes scored 73.0% as high as Whites. One-half Negroes scored 81.2% as high as Whites. One-quarter Negroes scored 91.8% as high as Whites. All of these Blacks lived as and considered themselves “Negroes.” Their environments and “advantages” or disadvantages were exactly the same. (14) Also see (26) pg 452.

FACT #11: Results of the Army Beta test given by the U.S. Army to over 386,000 illiterate soldiers in WWI showed Negro draftees to be “inferior to the Whites on all types of tests used in the Army.” Additionally, tests were conducted upon pure Negroes, Mulattoes, and Quadroons. It was found that “the lighter groups made better scores.” (14)

FACT #12: Studies conducted with identical twins raised apart in radically different environments provide conclusive evidence that over-all influence of heredity exceeds that of environment in a ratio of about 3 to 1. (41)

FACT #13: Even when Blacks and Whites have the same backgrounds, in terms of family income and childhood advantages, Blacks still have average I.Q. scores 12 to 15 points lower than comparable Whites. This includes cases where Black children have been adopted by White parents. Their I.Q.s may be improved by environment, but they are still closer to their biological parents than their adoptive parents. (3) (15) (26)

FACT #14: Equalitarian ideologists often discount I.Q. test results with the excuse that they are culturally biased. Nonetheless, NO ONE, not the NAACP nor the United Negro College Fund, nor NEA had been able to develop an intelligence test which shows Blacks and Whites scoring equally. (15) (42) (3)

FACT # 15: American Indians, who often live in conditions far worse than American Blacks during their entire lives, still consistently outscore them on I.Q. tests. (3) (27)

FACT #16: The offspring of interracial marriages tend to have lower I.Q.s than the white parent. (11) (26)


FACT #17: Among human races numerous studies have been made of the comparative weight of White and Negro brains with results that fell within the range of about an 8-12 percent lower weight for the Negro brain. Such studies have been conducted by Bean, Pearl, Vint, Tilney, Gordon, Todd, and others. (23) (27)

FACT #18: In addition to the difference in brain weight, the Negro brain grows less after puberty than the white. Though the Negro brain and nervous system mature faster than the white brain, its development is arrested at an earlier age which limits further intellectual advancement. (22) (27)

FACT #19: The thickness of the supragranular layer (the outside layer) of the Negro brain is about 15 percent thinner, and its convolutions are fewer and more simple, on average, than that of the White brain. (9)

FACT #20: The frontal lobes of the Negro brain, responsible for abstract conceptional reasoning, are smaller relative to body weight, less fissured, and less complex than those of the White brain. (9) (27) (23) (22)


FACT #21: The name Homo sapien was first used by the 18th Century Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus. The word “sapien” means “wise.” The name was originally used to speak of the White man and synonymous with “europaeus.” As a result, many later taxonomists and geneticists believed that Negroes and other races should be classified as different species. In fact, Darwin declared in The Descent of Man that the varieties of mankind are so distinct that similar differences found in any other animal would warrant their classification in different species, if not different genera. (39)

FACT #22: For his mammoth work, The Origin of Races, Professor Carleton Coon, President of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists and the premier geneticist of the world, assembled massive evidence from geography, anatomy, genetics, physiology, comparative dentition, linguistics, archeology, and fossil records from 300 bone-bearing sites to verify his theory of pre-sapien racianation.” In other words, Homo erectus was divided by race even before evolution into Homo sapien stage. (12)

FACT #23: According to Dr. Coon, while the Caucasoid subspecies (the White race) was evolving in Europe, the Negro race was standing still on the evolutionary plane and is today no less than 200,000 years behind the European in skull and brain development. (9)

FACT #24: The Negro skull, in addition to having a smaller brain volume and thicker cranial bones than that of the White, is prognathous; i.e., the lower face projects forward, rather in the manner of an animal’s muzzle. In consequence, the Negro jaw is substantially longer, relative to its width, than the White jaw. A feature of the Negro lower jaw is its retention of a vestige of the “simian shelf,” a bony region immediately behind the incisors. The simian shelf is a distinguishing characteristic of apes, and it is absent in Whites. (9) (12) (39)

FACT #25: The skin of the Negro is thicker and possibly superior to the White’s in the way it impedes the penetration of germs and in its protection from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. (39) (14)

FACT #26: The dark color of the Negro is due to melanin pigment which is spread through every layer of the skin and is found even in the muscles and brain. (9) (27)

FACT #27: An African dentist can tell a Negro’s tooth from a white man’s at a glance. (14)

FACT #28: Negroes have arms which are longer, relative to body height, than those of Whites. This feature, together with their much thicker cranial bones, gives Black athletes an advantage over Whites in boxing. The skeletal and muscular peculiarities of Negroes’ lower limbs have given them considerable success as sprinters, but have left them relative undistinguished as distance runners. (39) (27)


The hair is black, crispy, and “woolly” in texture, it is flat and elliptical with no central canal or duct like the hair of Europeans.
The nose is thick, broad and flat, often turned up nostrils exposing the red inner lining of the mucous membrane similar to an ape.
The arms and legs of the Negro are relatively longer than the European. The humerus is a trifle shorter and the forearm longer thereby approximating the simian form.
The eyes are prominent, iris black and the orbits large. The eye often has a yellowish sclerotic coat over it like that of a gorilla.
The Negro has a shorter trunk the cross-section of the chest is more circular than whites. The pelvis is narrower and longer as it is in an ape.
The mouth is wide with very thick, large and protruding lips.
Negro skin has a thick superficial horny layer which resists scratching and impedes the penetration of germs.
The Negro has a larger and shorter neck akin to that of anthropoids.
The cranial sutures are more simple than in the white type and close together earlier.
The ears are roundish, rather small, standing somewhat high and detached thus approaching the simian form.
The Negro is more powerfully developed from the pelvis down and the white more powerfully developed in the chest.
The jaw is larger and stronger and protrudes outward which, along with lower retreating forehead, gives a facial angle of 68 to 70 degrees as opposed to a facial angle of 80 to 82 degrees for Europeans.
The hands and fingers are proportionally narrower and longer. The wrist and ankles are shorter and more robust.
The frontal and paricial bones of the cranium are less excavated and less capacious. The skull is thicker especially on the sides.
The brain of the Negro on the average is 9 to 20% smaller than whites.
The teeth are larger and are wider apart than in the white race.
The three curvatures of the spine are less pronounced in the Negro than in the white and thus more characteristic of an ape.
The femur of the Negro is less oblique, the tibia (shin bone) more curved and bent forward, the calf of the leg high and but little developed.
The heel is broad and projecting, the foot long and broad but slightly arched causing flat soles, the great toe is shorter than in the white.
The two bones proper of the nose are occasionally united, as in apes.

FACT #30: Blood group studies made during WWII suggest the American Negro gene pool is about 28% white. –This despite all manner of institutional discrimination, social segregation, etc. Keep in mind that the results of test from true Black Africans would show even bigger differences from Whites. (32) (14)


FACT #31: The rate at which Blacks commit murder is thirteen times that of Whites; Rape and assault, ten times. These figures, as given by the F.B.I. reports, vary somewhat from year to year but fairly represent the trend for the past decade. (27) (6) (13)

FACT #32: According to the justice Dept, 1 in every 4 Black males between the ages of 20 and 29 is currently in prison or on probation or parole. (32) (6) (3)

FACT #33: Though only 12% of the U.S. population, Blacks commit more than half of all rapes and robberies and 60% of all murders in the U.S. (32) (27) (6)

FACT #34: Approximately 50% of all Black males will be arrested and charged with a serious felony during their lifetime. (27)

FACT #35: A Black person is 56 TIMES more likely to attack a White person than Vice Versa. (3) (32)

FACT #36: Black rapists choose White victims over half (54.9%) of the time, 30X as often as Whites choose Blacks. (2) (32) (28)

FACT #37: The annual report from the Department of justice shows that when Whites commit violence they do it to Blacks 2.4% of the time. Blacks, on the other hand, choose White victims MORE THAN HALF the time. (3)

FACT #38: In New York City, any White is over 300 TIMES MORE LIKELY to be assaulted by a gang of Blacks than is a Black by a gang of Whites. (32)

FACT #39: Many people argue that high Black incarceration rates show that police center enforcement at Black crimes and ignore white-collar crimes. However, Blacks commit a disproportionate number of white-collar offenses as well. In 1990, Blacks were nearly 3 times as likely to be arrested for forgery, counterfeiting, and embezzlement as Whites. (32) (6)

FACT #40: Many people believe that crime is a product of poverty and lack of “advantages.” However, the District of Columbia, which enjoys the highest average annual salaries and is second only to Alaska in personal income per capita, leads the nation in just about every category of crime including murder, robbery, aggravated assault, and vehicle theft. D.C. also has the country’s strictest gun control, highest police costs per capita, highest ration of police and correctional officers per citizen, and highest rate of incarceration. Its permanent population is over 80% Black. West Virginia, which has the nation’s lowest crime rate, suffers from chronic poverty and has the highest unemployment in the U.S. It also has the fewest police per capita. West Virginia is over 96% White. (33)


FACT #41 46% of inner city Black men between the ages of 16 and 62 are unemployed. (27)

FACT #42: More than 66% of the children of Negroes are born out of wedlock. Per capita, their illegitimacy rate is ten times that of Whites. (32) (27)

FACT #43: Blacks are four and a half times more likely than Whites to be on welfare. (32)

FACT #44: More than 35% of all Black men in U.S. Cities are drug or alcohol abusers. (27)


FACT #45: The January l986 issue of the journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies, “Skin Color Preference, Sexual Dimorphism and Sexual Selection: a case of Gene-Culture Co-evolution?” by Peter Frost and Pierre Van der Herghe, stated that in any given race, the women tend to have lighter complexions than the men. Using standard ethnographic files from 51 societies on five continents which have recorded their preference for human skin color, the study found that 30 preferred lighter women and 14 preferred lighter women and lighter men. The cultures of India, China, Brazil and Bali, as well as the Arabs and Negroes regard the lightest women as the most beautiful. –perpetuating the aesthetic appeal of the ivory-skinned, rosy-cheeked, blue-eyed, blond “nordic ideal” of feminine beauty- -even though they themselves do not possess the genetic capacity to reproduce such an organism. Over time, the study said, the upper classes of all races have become lighter-skinned than their fellow countrymen because they have repeatedly skimmed off fairer women from the lower classes. (Also see #11)

FACT #46: Scientific research on what constitutes human beauty, in which 300 judges of various backgrounds were shown portrait photographs and asked to rate the beauty of the individual’s face, has revealed that nordic Whites are universally recognized as the most attractive humans, even by Blacks. The judges were instructed to evaluate the faces solely on his or her “personal standards of beauty and not to consider popular norms.” The results of the study “Age, Sex, Race, and the Perception of Facial Beauty.” Developmental Psychology, 5, Nov., 1971, pp 433-439, are reprinted below.



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