Debate with a Moon-Landing Skeptic: A Flat Earther? The Incredible European Scientific Geniuses of 400 Years ago!
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[In my debate with the Moon-Landing Skeptic, I spotted this particular sentence and that bothered me a lot. This is stuff that was known HUNDREDS of YEARS ago in Europe. I have noticed many of the junk arguments in the Flat Earth arena can be disproved easily simply by knowing Europe's incredible scientific history. Here I discuss the incredible German, Johannes Kepler. What our forefathers did is beyond imagination. Jan]
You wrote this: The sun is not 93 million miles away, and we are not hurtling through space at 66,600 miles per hour, and the galaxies are not spinning around and away from each other at these astronomical speeds, and somehow the constellations in the sky are still the same over the millennia?
This almost sounds to me like Flat Earth stuff. This is very easy to disprove and this is where the notion that NASA is lying totally falls apart. The answer to this is that clearly you don’t have a grasp of how AMAZING our EUROPEAN ANCESTORS WERE. You would be AMAZED and STUNNED at how much they could deduce, using either: no telescopes, or small telescopes along with mathematics. They were AMAZING. So if you say that the Earth is not 93 million miles away from the Sun, then you’re in for a shock. Are you a Flat Earther?
Because the starting point for this is the Ancient Greeks. They not only knew the Earth was round, but they were the first to measure it quite accurately. HUNDREDS of YEARS AGO … White scientists were already figuring out amazing things about the planets, and estimating distances and speeds and doing all kinds of calculations. They did this WITHOUT calculators!!! It is such an amazing story of total brilliance and genius. And, there are many GERMANS in this story too.
"… the ways by which men arrive at knowledge
of the celestial things are hardly less wonderful
than the nature of these things themselves"
– Johannes Kepler
I would like to suggest some homework for you. Find a documentary about Kepler and watch it.
Here is a short NASA bio on Kepler:
Let me introduce you to 2 White European men of genius: Tycho Brahe and Kepler.
Brahe, was functioning BEFORE TELESCOPES!!! These guys did not even have TELESCOPES! No Telescopes – NO SPECIAL EQUIPMENT!!!
They were watching little dots in the sky and measuring them and doing mathematical calculations by HAND… endlessly. BY HAND.
Below is a summary of what Kepler did. But you need to grasp the insane genius of this. With hand calculations, he figured out 3 laws of planetary motion. It is described below.
Kepler basically figured out that ALL the planets ORBIT the SUN (Heliocentric).
Kepler, 400 years ago, figured out the LAWS of SPACE that would allow spacecraft to fly to the moon, the planets, etc. Read the laws below.
This is more subtle than you can imagine. Then Kepler said that the orbits of the planets are NOT PERFECT CIRCLES.
Kepler says they are elliptical. HOWEVER, astronomy was my hobby as a kid. And when you draw the ACTUAL ELLIPTICAL ORBIT, it is so very very slightly elliptical THAT YOU CANNOT SEE IT WITH YOUR EYES!!!
Kepler could know and prove it is elliptical using nothing but MATHEMATICS done by hand!!!!
I urge you to find a short video on youtube where you see Kepler’s laws in action using graphics – because then you will realise how insanely incredible, beyond all imagination how clever he was.
I, with a computer program, would NEVER have figured out things like this: "in order for an object along an elliptical orbit to sweep out the area at a uniform rate"
This is about the AREA that the planet "sweeps" as it moves further and closer in it’s orbit. It is INSANE that this man could figure this out.
I don’t know how in hell’s name, that a man using just hand calculations could even CONCEIVE of this.
If you struggle to find a video, let me know.
If you can grasp some of this, you will look back on our ancestors and say: THESE ARE GODS! HOW THE FCK DID THEY FIGURE THIS OUT?
*ALL OF ASTRONOMY IS A STORY JUST LIKE THAT. How the F*CK did Whites figure this shit out?
Get back to me after this. Because, we need to nail this thing that you don’t believe the Earth is 93 million miles away from the sun. You can ask me any question on this topic.
You need to grasp how AWESOME science was BEFORE NASA EVEN EXISTED. And ALL of it was INVENTED IN EUROPE!!!!
Nowadays, a lot of science is based on excellent engineering and machines. But you would fall on your back at what our ancestors could figure out without even being able to properly see stuff.
Have fun, below is a summary.
Here is a short summary of what came of this, this is the incredible genius of Kepler:-
Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion
Kepler was assigned the task by Tycho Brahe to analyze the observations that Tycho had made of Mars. Of all the planets, the predicted position of Mars had the largest errors and therefore posed the greatest problem. Tycho’s data were the best available before the invention of the telescope and the accuracy was good enough for Kepler to show that Mars’ orbit would precisely fit an ellipse. In 1605 he announced The First Law:
Planets move in ellipses with the Sun at one focus.
The figure below illustrates two orbits with the same semi-major axis, focus and orbital period: one a circle with an eccentricity of 0.0; the other an ellipse with an eccentricity of 0.8.
Circular and Elliptical Orbits Having the Same Period and Focus
Circular and Elliptical Orbits Having the Same Period and Focus
Prior to this in 1602, Kepler found from trying to calculate the position of the Earth in its orbit that as it sweeps out an area defined by the Sun and the orbital path of the Earth that:
The radius vector describes equal areas in equal times. (The Second Law)
Kepler published these two laws in 1609 in his book Astronomia Nova.
For a circle the motion is uniform as shown above, but in order for an object along an elliptical orbit to sweep out the area at a uniform rate, the object moves quickly when the radius vector is short and the object moves slowly when the radius vector is long.
On May 15, 1618 he discovered The Third Law:
The squares of the periodic times are to each other as the cubes of the mean distances.
This law he published in 1619 in his Harmonices Mundi . It was this law, not an apple, that led Newton to his law of gravitation. Kepler can truly be called the founder of celestial mechanics.
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This was a Mass Media news story about 4 Black boys who kept 12 dogs for sex. In this article you‘ll also see Blacks having sex with goats and sheep.