CRITICAL TURNING POINT?? – WHITE TERROR might be hitting American Corporate Boardrooms…
2005: S.Africa: Black Children as young as 5 have sex at school
This was a news story from the mass media about young Black children having sex at school.
[This is a comment I sent to some Americans, regarding Bud Lite and Fox's despicable firing of Tucker Carlson. I think, perhaps for the first time EVER, that WHITE TERROR … is going to reach these worthless sacks of shits in these corporate boardrooms in America. As they watch Bud Lite tanking and Fox tanking … these weak, pathetic, Jew-infested scum will begin to think about their profits – these worthless sacks of shit. They thought they could kick the average, polite, hard working White Americans in the teeth forever. Now they've gone too far … and from here onwards … they will be running more and more SCARED! WE COULD BE AT A CRITICAL TURNING POINT IN AMERICAN POLITICAL HISTORY. All these worthless scum only think about profits. They all think like the weak jackasses known as Jews. And it will scare their feeble little minds. Jan]
Here’s the comment I wrote to the Americans:
This stuff has me laughing! This plus Fox’s move could be the critical turning point for White America. As everyone is watching BIG CORPORATIONS taking HUGE HITS!!!!
This is the beginning of WHITE TERROR!!!
Photo: Apartheid South Africa: Whites Only Beach Sign in Durban city
This is an example of the types of signs that were all over South Africa in the days of White rule, under Apartheid.