CONFEDERATES: The Greatest White Army in ALL of American History: The Army of Northern Virginia
Institute for Historical Review
This is a pretty decent website that deals with various historical lies and crimes of the Jewish scum. It deals with the time Israel murdered Americans on the USS Liberty and also deals with the holocaust and various other Jewish deceptions and lies.
As I’m jumping around with research and thinking, I’m also sucking in knowledge from all sorts of angles. I have been digging more into White American history.
I must tell you that I am in awe of the White Americans from the south. I truly feel sorry for them. They fought a north that had armies that were TWICE the size of theirs, and they were poor by comparison. But what they lacked in material stuff, they made up for with INTELLIGENCE, BRAVERY and DETERMINATION.
The Army of Northern Virginia, was of course the army of Robert E. Lee.
What amazes me was some of the incredible hardship that the White men of the south went through. They had no shoes, and they would walk for days without shoes or they would be without food. The sheer hardship was too much for some men. But I must tell you the hardship they went through is equal to some of the worst of Europe in the past.
White men have never been babies, and the hardships they went through in Europe would make modern Blacks and Jews scream and cry and howl over.
But I must say, the pain and hardship and the efforts of the southerners is just amazing.
It is definitely true that some battles and some things the Confederates did, were the result of sheer DESPERATION.
But they did not lack courage. Most interestingly, right to the end of their time, right until surrender, they believed, CONFIDENTLY in themselves. They never lacked faith IN THEMSELVES OR THEIR ABILITY. In that sense they were very ROMAN.
Robert E. Lee clearly believed in the ABILITY of his men, and they believed in themselves.
But when it comes to hardship, you cannot compare them with the North (Yankees). The north were fat cat capitalists who had plenty of everything.
I strongly suspect that no American Army, in the history of America suffered the privations that the Army of Northern Virginia suffered. Their agony was beyond imagination, but their courage ranked right up there with the best of Europe.
At the Battle of Gettysburg, they really went to their death.
In courage, ability and determination they were unmatched.
The north should have been able to totally crush them, and that was the goal, but even in defeat, Robert E Lee and his men could survive and outwit the enemy.
The Confederates are, unquestioningly, the greatest thing that ever came out of America.
And Robert E Lee was amazing. But he had some awesome men with him – White men of amazing ability.
The hardship … the hardship … is beyond imagination. I can tell you that no army of Blacks would ever have lived through or tried what those White southern boys did.
We will revisit Robert E Lee and the south again when I have more to say.
I want to repeat, in my reading of European military history, that it is hardly mentioned how much physical PAIN and AGONY White men went through, before even reaching the battlefield. And the same is true of the Confederates. I don’t think, in the history of America that anyone went through the sheer pain, agony and deprivation of the Confederates. Some were without shoes, while marching day after day and at times they were literally starving.
Let me tell you, no Blacks and no Jews would ever do, even 10% of what those White men did. NEVER! All these Jew crybabies and Black crybabies!
But the Southern men never lost their faith in their own ability. They earned it on the BATTLEFIELD and it NEVER LEFT THEM! They knew THEY WERE SUPERIOR!
Video: Human Evolution: What are Jews and why they are VERY DANGEROUS!
We take a scientific look at Jews. I compare their behaviour to that of parasites that live on animals. I look at the behaviour of Whites and Jews in the same was that we would study the behaviour of animals, and we look at actual film footage.