Common Whites need to rise up and CLEAN UP the Western World…


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ONLY IN AFRICA: 400 SEX TAPES: Government official is arrested after more than 400 sex tapes leak
As you can see, not much work gets done in Africa at a high level. I‘ll bet you these aren‘t the only women he slept with either. These were just the important ones.

[This is from a message I sent to a young guy. Jan]

I wrote:
Thank you very much for your message. I have been thinking a lot about common Whites. To me, when I look at the mess our civilization is in, ALL the PROBLEMS come from the TOP. And if we want a solution – a REAL SOLUTION – then we need to unleash the common White folks, like Hitler did. Both Hitler and Napoleon were leaders of the common Whites – and that resulted in an outstanding outcome. (It took almost the whole world to crush Hitler). If you folks can get even a weak leader, even a Trump, in charge, it will help ALL WHITES A LOT. But ultimately, we need really top notch people in charge. New Hitlers, and we wipe the floor with everyone. There’s no need to stand back for anything. You Americans, and even Canadians and Europeans – you’ll wipe the floor – there’ll be so much screaming your eardrums might burst! I urge all White men to watch that video I did about why White men have been losing wars since WW2. Just watch that. And the first episode of my God’s of War series is coming within a week. The first episode is not full of action. I just laid the groundwork explaining some things. But I urge white men to follow that. There are people who need to be clobbered in this world, and I’m afraid, you’ll see nobody is clobbering them, and the White man will have no choice but to do the clobbering and clean up that’s needed. You’ll hear more from me. Take care.

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REVEALED: The JEW who rigged Americas 2020 Presidential Election: Michael Podhorzer
In the massive expose in Time Magazine in 2021, regarding the powerful secret group who manipulated (stole) the US Presidential election, this Jew was named as the main architect.

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