Colorado’s 2020 Election Results Make No Sense – No Way Biden Received Half a Million More Votes than Obama, Hillary or Trump. No Way!


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Video: 1725: A Small band of brave Dutchmen are attacked in a Black Empire in S.Africa
Let us devour the White people shouted the hundreds of Blacks as they attacked 30 Dutch soldiers and sailors! This is a little known story of the Dutch on the East Coast of Africa.

[Just more, out of mountains of evidence that the 2020 Presidential election was totally rigged, stolen, etc. Bag of Shit, anti-White Traitor, piece of garbage, Joe Biden, is yet another illegal Democrat President in the USA. Before him the Jews saw to it that the Mixed race, communist faggot, Obama got in by hiding and lying about the country he was born in. Jan]

Colorado’s 2020 election results are still certainly in question. To believe Joe Biden had 460,000 more votes than Obama in 2012 or Hillary in 2016, or 430,000 more votes than Trump in 2020 is absolute nonsense.

We reported nine days ago on the suspect and questionable results in Colorado in the 2020 election.

One individual who claims to be a “strong conservative and very proud republican” challenged our report with an email to a number of individuals in the state. He never reached out to us but had the gall to reach out to others and disparage our Gateway Pundit reporting. One of those who received his email provided it to us.

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Below is Mr. Crane’s email (with our responses in blue):

Good evening all,

Many of you may not know me. My name is Matt Crane and I am the former Clerk and Recorder in Arapahoe County. I am a strong conservative and a very proud republican. I thought I might provide some pushback on the post below. One quick look at the actual data from Colorado over the last 12 years disproves much of what is claimed in this post and should call into question the methodology and credibility of the author of this post.

(We’re not really sure why a ‘conservative and very proud republican’ would write this email.)

A few claims from this post to correct: • CLAIM – Colorado reportedly had a record-setting turnout of 85%. ACTUAL FACT – This claim is untrue. In 2012, the turnout was approximately 88% of active voters.

In regards to this first claim we supplied a link in our report to an article that apparently Mr. Crane did not review. The article from November 4th states:

More than 3.2 million ballots have been collected so far, for a turnout rate of about 85 percent. Once every vote is tallied, Colorado could end up with the highest turnout in the country.

We included the following in our post from this article:

Votes are still being counted nationwide (and in Colorado), but the Centennial State has already set a new record for voter turnout. As of this afternoon, 3,276,575 ballots have been returned—a turnout rate of 85 percent of active voters—and about 400,000 more than the 2016 election, according to data from Magellan Strategies.

Our claims were supported with a link to another post. If Mr. Crane had a problem with those numbers he should have criticized that post and not the ‘creditability of the author’.

CLAIM – Voter turnout for Presidential elections is usually closer to 50-55%, which puts Colorado’s results into question. ACTUAL FACT – This claim is untrue. The average ACTIVE voter turnout in Colorado Presidential Elections since 2008 has been approximately 86%. Even if we account for TOTAL registration, (active and inactive voters), the average turnout in Colorado since 2008 has been approximately 71%. There was NOTHING unusual about the 2020 turnout.

Our post provided evidence of the national average turnout of around 50-55% – we provided a graph to point this out. Colorado’s numbers are WAY over the national average. This is a high level observation that any novice auditor would observe. To suggest this is not true is not true.

Mr. Crane provides historical results of the state’s turnout. He ignores the comparison to other states and fails to mention the unique characteristic about Colorado – that the entire state has mail-in voting since 2013, for example. Of course Colorado’s numbers are questionable when compared to the rest of the nation. Mr. Crane ignores this.

CLAIM – By cross multiplying we can determine that the number of eligible voters in 2016 was around 3.6 million to 3.7 million in 2020. So, there basically was an increase in voters in Colorado between 2016 and 2020 of 100,000 to 150,000 individuals…Somehow with an increase in voters and population of less than 200,000 since 2016, Joe Biden attracted 460,000 more (38%) votes than Obama or Hillary did in prior elections. ACTUAL FACT – The actual data explains the increase in votes for Biden. The number of ACTIVE voters in Colorado between 2016 and 2020 increased by approximately 520,000 voters. This is actually a slightly smaller increase in the number of active voters in Colorado seen between 2012 and 2016 (approximately 524,000). This information is readily available on the Secretary of State’s website. This is due in part to population increase, as well as inactive voters reactivating their voter registration. During the same time period (2016 – 2020), statewide republican voter registration went from 1,031,512 (2016) to 1,028,239 (2020), a NET LOSS of 3,273 voters. The Democrats went from 1,040,948 (2016) to 1,129,733 (2020), a NET GAIN of 88,785. Unaffiliated voters went from 1,140,909 (2016) to 1,541,199 (2020), a NET GAIN of 400,290. To further illustrate my point, in 2008, republicans made up 35.15% of the voter registration in Colorado. In 2020, republicans fell to 27.29% of the voter registrations. Finally, in 2008, Obama received 53.5% of the vote in Colorado. In 2020, Biden received 55.14%. During that 12 year period, the number of ACTIVE voters in Colorado increased by well over 1,100,000 million. Considering the change in the political climate here in Colorado over that time, a 1.64% increase in votes for the democratic candidate is not unreasonable at all. Some may be surprised that the increase isn’t greater than that.

Again, Mr. Crane sidesteps the issue and doesn’t address it, he confirms it. The increase in eligible voters between 2016 and 2020 in the state is 485,000 per the state’s reports. Biden won nearly every one of those votes which isn’t reasonable. Biden beat Hillary by 460,000 votes which accounts for nearly every new vote since 2016. President Trump actually surpassed both Obama and Hillary’s vote counts but because Biden picked up nearly every single new vote, he beat President Trump by 430,000 votes. This is the point and this is not reasonable.

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Also, Mr. Crane ignores the fact that the state’s population between 2016 and 2020 increased by only 200,000 but the number of active voters increased by 485,000. This too doesn’t make sense.

Claim – Colorado’s numbers for Biden make no sense, they don’t add up, there is something going on with these nearly impossible results. Actual Fact – When using real and accurate data in an honest way, the do make sense. This post is either an example of someone who doesn’t understand the actual Colorado data or someone who is actively trying to mislead people into believing something that is not true. Neither explanation is good. I am as devastated by the results of the 2020 Election as all of you are. However, we must resist the urge to go down these rabbit holes full of disinformation that are easily disproved. There is much we can do to improve the integrity of our elections, here in Colorado and across the country. But believing disinformation that is absolutely untrue hurts our credibility and our ability to impact the change where it is truly needed. If you seek more information about Colorado election data and operations, please contact your Clerk and Recorder. We have amazing clerks in this state who fight daily for accurate and secure elections. They should be your first trusted source for accurate election information, not bloggers who may be making money on clicks. Warmest regards, Matt

Colorado’s number’s don’t make any sense.

We can see why Mr. Crane is no longer in office. His “disinformation that is easily disproved” is one thing. His lack of courage and professionalism by not reaching out to us with his rebuttal is another. Quite frankly, after reading through his arguments it’s hard to believe he’s a “conservative and very proud republican” and someone who was “as devastated by the results of the 2020 Election as” the rest of us. He totally ignores the obvious.

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Despite liberal rebuttals claiming the results in Colorado in 2020 make sense, we believe in a count of valid ballots in the state, Joe Biden would not beat Hillary and Obama and President Trump and he certainly didn’t win nearly every new vote in the state since 2016. The red flags and fraud here are obvious.


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