CNN’s Don Lemon: ‘The Biggest Terror Threat in This Country Is White Men’ – Black Englishmen like Lemon
2 Photos: 1892: When White Americans burned a Black man to death for raping a White woman!
White men in the USA used to take no shit. This is what they did to a black who raped a white woman. Whites have a tough, harsh justice system.
[I laughed at this stupid (((Liberal Logic))) in action. Why is it that when a white man goes and shoots people of another race, that it is called “hate”, but when a black man shoots whites, that is never called hate? Why is it only hate when whites do it?
Blacks have killed stacks of whites in southern Africa since the 1950s on the basis of racial hatred, yet neither CNN nor any other Liberal ever asks that question about the blacks? They never called the blacks “haters”. When Nelson Mandela was arrested for being about to unleash 7,000 black communist terrorists across South Africa, the media never said he was a “hater”. When Mandela authorised, from prison, the Church Street Bombing in Pretoria, wherein 2 white Afrikaans men, whom I had personally worked with, died; nobody called Mandela or the terrorists “haters”.
In fact, the Jew-ridden Liberal MSM of the world always referred to blatant black terrorists as “Freedom fighters”. For decades they were lauded and applauded across the Western world’s mass media as “Freedom Fighters” even as their hideous atrocities were known about.
There is a huge double standard here.
But I want to make some remarks about Don Lemon, this apparently intellectual, black who now represents America and civilisation. I’ve come across this kind of black plenty of times in the past. They come from everywhere, including Zimbabwe and South Africa. This is your new “black Englishmen”. There is a VAST NUMBER of what I would call “Black Englishmen” in Africa. These are blacks who speak fluent English and are fully versed in Liberalism as taught by the lying Mass Media. These blacks imagine that they are now part and parcel of this equal Western world.
The Liberal scum were delighted by the creation of this “Black Middle Class” which they predicted would be staunch defenders of civilisation like the White Middle Class was. They exist by the tens of millions… these black Englishmen. But when push came to shove in Zimbabwe, and Mugabe seized the farms, these black Englishmen did not go to war. Instead 600,000 of them jumped on planes and went to live in the UK! All the (fake) expectations that these anglicised non-whites would suddenly behave like whites … never came to the fore. So beware of these “Black Englishmen”, they say all the right things, but don’t imagine that what they DO will match what they say. I’ve observed them closely. They have the toughness of a paper bag. THEY WILL NOT DEFEND CIVILISATION. Liberals are very proud of their new creations, these black englishmen, but the reality is that they are big flops.
I can’t help but have a really good laugh at Liberals such as these on US TV. The idea that a Liberal can defend, or uphold or care about civilisation is ridiculous. They’re a bunch of whiny, cry-babies. A bunch of scum really. Rest assured, they will NOT defend the USA.
PS: Its worth going to the link below and watching the short video. It made me laugh. Jan]
Monday on CNN, network host Don Lemon declared “the biggest terror threat in this country” to be white men, adding that “most of them radicalized to the right.”
Lemon made those remarks in reference to the fatal shooting of two black people in Kentucky, the bombs mailed to political figures, and the shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, which killed 11 people.
Lemon said, “Now, another one. And then you have all of them in a row. And, you know, we talked, we messaged about it a little bit this weekend. I keep trying to point out to people and not to demonize any one group or any one ethnicity. But we keep thinking that the biggest terror threat is something else, someone people who are marching, you know, towards the border, like it’s imminent. And the last time they did this, a couple hundred people came, and you know, most of them did get into the country, most of them got tuckered out before they even made it to the border.”
He added, “So, we have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right. And we have to start doing something about them. There is no travel ban on them. There is no ban on — they had the Muslim ban. There is no white guy ban. So, what do we do about that?”
Here is the source link, don’t miss the video there, its worth watching:
Video: Decapitation: How the Boers dealt with violent crowds of Blacks
A young Boer I knew, Gilbert, told me of the time in the early 1990s when he served in the South African Army and was stationed in the townships. He described the tactics the Boers used to smash violent black crowds with a minimum loss of life.