Chris Sky Calls for United Non-Compliance at Huge London Rally


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[Just in from Paul Fromm of CAFE in Canada. Jan]

LONDON, Ontario. October 16, 2021. It seemed like a NO MORE LOCKDOWNS rally had divine blessing. It had rained hard on Friday and was raining again Saturday morning. However, as the noon hour approached for the rally there were blue skies and a brisk Autumn wind. Organizers estimated that over 3,000 people from all over Southern Ontario attended the rally in downtown London’s Victoria Park.

The rally was called to support police who oppose forced vaccination and enforcement of the mandatory masks and, for many venues, vaccines,

A dynamic star of the END THE LOCKDOWN movement, Chris Sky called for "united non-compliance" with the forced vaccination mandates. He urged people to ride public transit en masse on October 30, without masks or vaccine passports. "Just say NO," he enthused. There are also plans to form civilian convoys to drive by four major airports in Canada to bring air travel to a halt. That’s the day the Trudeau government will require proof of double vaccination to board a plane. Yet, there will still be mandatory masking on the flights. Many airline employees oppose the vaccination requirement.

Mr. Sky believes that the government is running scared at the unexpected opposition it faces. "Listen to the quiver in Trudeau’s voice as he talks about the latest government forced mandate.. He is scared."

A number of speakers from various parts of Ontario spoke of local resistance to government. Derek Saulnier from Windsor said: "Medical without your consent is assault. Imposing a vaccine on an unwilling persons is cruel and unusual punishment." He added that there are many medical professionals in Windsor refusing to take the vaccine. They have been threatened with firing.

The owner of Peterburgers in Peterborugh told of the struggle at his restaurant. "We opened three weeks before COVID struck," he said. At first, the restaurant obeyed all the rules — the long lockdowns, the limited reopenings. However, when they were allowed to reopen recently, they decided there wold be no discrimination on the basis of race, sex, age, masks or vaccine status. " word spread, our business has tripled," he said. Health authorities have harassed them and fined them $3,000 thus far for not enforcing masking and proof of vaccination.

In his talk, Chris Sky shouted: "We’re done with your masks; we’re done with your lockdowns and we’re done with your vaxx mandates!"

Almost ignored by the Fake News media is that END THE LOCKDOWN rallies are occurring regularly all over the province. A spokesman for the Grey-Bruce Freedom Fighters told of a rally in the town of Dundalk two weeks ago. |"We had 2,000 people attending in a town of 5,000," he said.

For much of the afternoon a large drone, believed to be police surveillance, hovered just east of the rally. Many people turned around and gave the snoops the finger.

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20 Pics: RAHOWA (White) RACIAL HOLY WAR: Excellent memes to spread among whites
I really am a huge fan of Ben Klassen and the Creativity Movement. It was Ben Klassen an almost South African sounding name but actually a German Ukrainian who moved to the USA, who invented the Whites only religion of Creativity and coined the phrase: RAHOWA Racial Holy War, for whites.

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