Chinese Unrestricted Warfare: China Is Killing Americans with Fentanyl – Deliberately
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[I detest Communist China. It must be smashed. Jews are behind Russian and Chinese communism. They created the nations that have gone on to cause immense harm to Europe, the West and our race. Jan]
By Gordon Chang,
Senior Fellow,
Gatestone Institute
Author of (1) The Coming Collapse of China and (2) How China has damaged the world.
(1) Mainland China is obsessed with increasing its "comprehensive national power" (CNP). It meticulously measures it, thoroughly studies it, and constantly compares rankings of China to other countries, especially (to) the United States.
(2) China’s officials will stop at nothing to increase China’s CNP and decrease the CNP of other countries. China is, with malice, trying to reduce America’s comprehensive national power with fentanyl. There can be no other explanation for Beijing letting criminal organizations (in China) operate unimpeded.
(3) The Communist Party, through its cells, controls every business of any consequence. Beijing tightly controls the banking system and knows of money transfers instantaneously. Furthermore, fentanyl cannot leave the country undetected, as virtually all shipped items are examined before departing Chinese soil.
(4) China’s postal service has to know that it has become, among other things, the world’s busiest drug mule.
(5) The regime has adopted the doctrine of "Unrestricted Warfare," explained in a 1999 book of the same name by Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui. The thesis of the authors, both Chinese Air Force colonels, is that China should not be bound by any rules or agreements in its attempt to take down the United States….
(6) U.S. Customs and Border Protection learned that 13% of packages from China contain some form of contraband, including fentanyl and other deadly substances.
(7) China’s regime has been pushing fentanyl into the United States for years.
(8) Fatal drug overdoses in the U.S. last year hit a record 70,980, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Of those deaths, 36,500, were from synthetic opioids such as fentanyl. Cocaine and methamphetamine fatalities were also up, largely because these substances were mixed with fentanyl.
(9) In China, gangs work on fentanyl compounds in labs to make the drug more addictive, a former American national security official told me a few years ago. Moreover, Chinese technicians constantly change formulas to avoid detection at the American border.
China is also sending fentanyl into Canada. In parts of Canada, the number of deaths from fentanyl is close to the number of deaths from Covid-19.
According to Macleans Magazine research, Canada Post is the shipping method of choice for fentanyl importers.
Canada Post is inhibited from interfering with mail from China because of a law written in 1981 which considered mail interception an unthinkable violation of privacy.
This is a major problem because Mainland Chinese immigration to Canada has exploded in the past 20 years : Several million Mainland Chinese have arrived as China has become one of the major sources of immigrants for Canada. See A significant number of those Chinese immigrants are probable supporters of China’s Comprehensive National Power policy and will undermine the national interests of Canada. It is highly probable that some of those Chinese are receiving packages of fentanyl from China and selling fentanyl here.
Chinese immigrants, with the help of foolish Judge Rosalie Abella’s Employment Equity/Preferential Hiring policy, have infiltrated all sectors of Canada. Some are undoubtedly sending important Canadian information back to China. One particularly big question is this : China’s fentanyl has undoubtedly damaged Canada, but how much did China’s Comprehensive National Power policy play in creating Canada’s Unaffordable Housing Crisis, a virtual national catastrophe which has damaged or destroyed the lives of millions of Canadians?
To summarize : ethnic Chinese activity has inflated prices in Canada’s housing market, colonized parts of Canada and de-stabilized Canada’s economy. How much more serious can things get?
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