CHART: EXCELLENT: Half Of Americans Don’t Trust Mainstream Media’s COVID-19 Coverage – Will Jewish lying backfire?


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USA: Confederates: What Whites really thought about Blacks Quotes from History
These are quotes from Whites in the past. The Confederates had discussions about Blacks. Here you‘ll see some quotes.

[I like this. Here in SA we have lots of idiots who actually believe the media – including whites, and they're getting scared. I think a year from now, things will be very different. People will be asking questions. I am quite confident that this will backfire. Unless, the enemy needs only short periods of time in order to do damage. Jews do lie for short term gain. Alex Linder has pointed this out and i've concluded it myself. So they may gain in the short term through various moves – e.g. stealing and cheating on a mega scale; but in the long term, huge numbers of whites will, for the first time in their lives begin asking questions. THAT IS HUGE! ENORMOUS! EXCELLENT! 


div>The more whites, and even others distrust the Jewish media, the better. Then they lose part of that mind-control they have. Jan]

Americans are split on whether to trust news media with information regarding the coronavirus outbreak, according to a new poll.

As Statista’s Willem Roper notes, a joint poll conducted by NPR, PBS NewsHour and Marist, shows that 47 percent of U.S. adults responded by saying “not very much” or “not at all” when asked how much they trusted news media with coronavirus information.

This poll also included questions asking how much Americans trusted President Donald Trump, with 60 percent saying they didn’t trust him with coronavirus information, and on public health experts, with 13 percent saying they had little to no trust.

Unsurprisingly, Americans views on the news media were split along partisan lines. For Democrats, only 33 percent said they had little to no trust in the news media. Republicans, however, responded at a substantial 60 percent on their lack of confidence in the news media handling coronavirus information. Independents were equally high in their skepticism at 47 percent

Infographic: Polarizing Views on Coronavirus Information from News Media | Statista

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Democrats and Republicans have been pointing fingers at news organizations since the coronavirus outbreak began to reach the U.S. Some Republicans believed liberal-leaning news outlets were blowing the outbreak out of proportion to damage the presidency and economy, while some Democrats believed conservative-leaning outlets were endangering American lives by not taking the outbreak seriously enough.


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