CHAOS: Jewish Liberalism is ending on a crazy, MAD, stupid, insane… and perhaps BLOODY note
Video & Audio: Why the White Right EVERYWHERE always loses to Jews & Blacks
This is an angry video. In this video I discuss the politics of the white right, and why we are heading down a loser path to being losers yet again despite our MASSIVE PROGRESS in recent years.
Well I’ve been saying for years now that the chaos is coming and COVID was the first sign that we have genuine chaos. But it looks as if the chaos is going to be every wilder and more dangerous. Rest assured the Jew rats are doing all they can to turn this against the European race if they can.
When I look at the world, I smile and think of Nietzsche. He said that people, individually, are not mad, but in ages and epochs, MADNESS IS THE NORM. When you have large numbers of people, madness IS THE RULE!
Well, when I look at the news and all the things going on everywhere, I just smile. We have chaos everywhere AND THE CHAOS and madness is just getting worse and worse.
We are definitely on our way to some big changes and I am pleased.
It’s time for Jewish Liberalism to end up on the rubbish heap of history.
I think though, like all ages, there will be blood flowing … everywhere … eventually.
But don’t panic yet.
I think Whites can come out of this well. We’re not a bunch of babies.
I do think BIG OPPORTUNITIES also exist for us Whites.
So buy weapons, buy ammo … and stick around. The fun will be coming to your suburb in the coming years!!!
We will have some fun.
S.Africa: Black Efficiency: Post Office delivers package 13 years late
A White Family in S.Africa had this crazy experience! The Post Office is worthless. It was bankrupt recently ... AGAIN!