Video: JEWS101: Whites colonised Blacks; Jews colonise Whites! – Introduction to the Jewish problem

Backup Video: JEWS 101: This is based on an email I wrote to a retired senior military officer I know,

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Video & Audio: Top Communist Jew: Ronnie Kasrils: The real reason why Jews HATED Apartheid like they hated NAZIs

In this video we listen to a longer piece where Kasrils explains the 2 major reasons why he decided to

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Video & Audio: Top Communist Jew: Ronnie Kasrils: Race War: Blacks might kill Whites, but hopefully kill less Jews

This is a small excerpt from a private meeting I attended in Johannesburg. The top Jewish communist, Ronnie Kasrils, was

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Video & Audio: #TeamWhite: Alex Linder & Jan: COVID Lockdown in USA & S.Africa & Whites-Only Communities in SA: Orania

Alex and I discussed how the stupid COVID-19 lockdown has affected us in our different countries. We discussed some of

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Video: JEWS102: The Jewish Strategy Of Lying

Backup Video: In this video I discuss the massive difference between White people who value the truth and built all

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Video & Audio: Portuguese pop star in Apartheid SA: Beautiful Maria

When I was a kid in Rhodesia, Maria was one of the most popular white Pop Stars of southern Africa.

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Video & Audio: When the Blacks tried to genocide all the Portuguese in Angola: The Battle of Carmona

We look at the first day of the bloodiest racial conflict that ever took place in southern Africa, the war

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Video & Audio: Whites: Strategy Versus Tactics

If you understand this, then you’ll understand why whites always stand a chance of winning any racial conflict with any

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Video & Audio: Decapitation: How the Boers dealt with violent crowds of Blacks

Backup Video: A young Boer I knew, Gilbert, told me of the time in the early 1990s when he served

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Video & Audio: VOLKSTAAT/ETHNOSTATE: The Greatest Ethnostate ever created: Hitler’s Third Reich

In this video I discuss the concept of an ethnostate, or to use the Afrikaans/German term: Volkstaat. I look at

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