Canada: Warning from Paul Fromm: Mark Carney, A Very Dangerous Man: Trudeau With Brains
White Shop: The Myth of German Villainy by Benton L. Bradberry
This is a FANTASTIC BOOK written by a well travelled American Military Officer. It tears all the lies about the Germans that have been told by the Jews and the Allies to shreds. I have a copy. It is the best book written about the Germans by a non-German since WW2.
As you read this, Canada is into a federal election. The polls keep bouncing around but, after enjoying as much as a 30 point lead, the Tories may well be in a close race facing Mark Carney, a Globalist a member of the World Economic Forum, a man with three passports and a totalitarian bent. He often identifies himself as a "European", not a Canadian, but now he wants to lead this country!Carney was a wild enthusiast of anti-White Diversity, Equity and Inclusion when he was Governor of the Bank of England.
While outwardly modest in his banker’s grey suits, he has long had political ambitions. Often people planners lay out their plans in books. Pierre Trudeau did. Lazy or complicit journalists don’t read them and feed their readers or viewers pleasant propaganda. When Trudeau ran for Prime Minister in 1968, the press presented him as an irreverent swinger, who often wore a rose in his pocket, a breath of fresh air after fuddy duddy Lester Pearson with his bow ties. Yet, Trudeau was an extreme leftist, an admirer of Mao Tse-Tung and Fidel Castro It was all there in his books like Two Innocents In China, an adulatory book written by him and his fellow traveller Jacques Hebert in 1959 after their trip to Red China. They hailed Mao as a great “agrarian reformer” even as millions of his wretched subjects were dying of starvation during the “Great Leap Forward.” When the late Ron Gostick printed Trudeau pro-communist record and thoughts during the 1968 election, he was furiously denounced as a “hatemonger.” So too was the Edmund Burke Society of which Paul Fromm was a co-founder when it helped distribute tens of thousands of flyers containing this information.
Mark Carney, in a 2020 book Values outlines his idea of the great reset. He paints the picture of a much poorer Canada, impoverished by shunning oil and natural gas, restricting travel, heating and the types of food we may eat. Jordan Peterson did an extensive review of this dystopian blueprint for misery in the National Post (March 8, 2025). Here are key parts of that review.
“First — and this is in the preface, restated in the conclusion (the true meat of the book) — he ensures us that the apocalyptic climate change insisted upon by so many hellbent on justifying their pursuit of unlimited power on moral grounds is, in fact, tantamount to the apocalypse. Addressing climate change is therefore the number one issue of our time, as all moral actors must agree — or else. This is his prime self-evident truth, albeit not the only one, as we shall see. This means that “preserving the planet” is his primary value, and the North Star that must guide all — and he means all — personal and economic decision making. This also means (take note, please) that he is willing to and even must use fear as a shaper of policy; the very fear of impending cataclysmic emergency that has always been capitalized on by even the most explicitly reluctant of tyrants to ensure that their hypothetically benevolent dictates are applied absolutely everywhere, and now. To wit: “Our goal has been to put in place the information, tools and markets so that every financial decision takes climate change into account — to create a financial system in which a company’s contributions to climate change and climate solution are fundamental determinants of its value. So that value reflects values. At COP26 in Glasgow, we delivered twenty-four major reforms to transform the information, tools and markets at the heart of finance. These include climate stress testing, net-zero transition plans and clear, comparable and decision-useful climate disclosure so that financial markets can manage risks and seize opportunities in the climate transition.
It is best when faced with such claims to do some deadly serious reading between the lines. First, consider “every decision….” Really? Every financial decision? Literally “every financial decision” must take “climate
change into account?” What the good-thinkers who claim to be planetary saviours, or their equally virtuous supporters and enablers, fail to recognize to their great eventual peril and worse, ours, is that such a statement provides an utterly unlimited license for tyranny.
If the fate of the planet — all of its ecosystems; all of its beauty; all of its provision for mankind — is literally at stake every time every financial decision is made, at every level, individual, corporate and state, then every aspect of life must clearly be regulated in keeping with that aim — and that means every aspect of life. And how might we understand that state of affairs? We could turn to the stated goals of the C40 consortium of major cities, and their overtly Carney-like aims, to gain a differentiated and immediate understanding.The consortium has stated that there “must be an average 28 per cent reduction in the number of flights across C40 cities.”
How might that be enforced? No more flights for the ordinary person (an overstatement: the C40 nature worshippers will allow the peasants one short-haul flight every three years). They also mention “reducing and eventually nearly eliminating the need for car ownership.” Ever wonder where the electricity for your soon-to-be mandatory electric car will come from, given the woeful inadequacy in that regard of the current grid, and the impossibility of rectifying that, before gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles are banned? No matter! There is no reason to presume, as you have so far, that you are entitled to a vehicle of your very own. Problem solved! And even if you are one of the fortunate few with a car — serious limitations will be imposed on the number of miles your peasant hide is allowed to travel, with equally serious restraints on velocity and road access. A radical decrease in the availability of meat and dairy — preferably a complete turn to a plant and even perhaps insect-based diet, as mused by the WEF. [Get used to eating crickets!] Three new articles of clothing a year, maximum.
The utter abandonment of the wealth of the fossil fuel industrial economy and much of our agriculture depends
upon, absolutely and finally. Carney himself states explicitly in Values that 80 per cent of such resources will have to be left “in the ground” to meet the net-zero goals — goals which if pursued (make no mistake about it) will not produce the new golden age of purified economic development that Carney so blithely promises (without any plan whatsoever in that regard). Instead, we will experience the penury, misery and petty tyranny that has currently been inflicted on the U.K. and Germany, where the poor suffer disproportionately from
the extremely expensive and unreliable “renewable” energy promised by the globalist utopian greens and delivered by them with exactly the efficiency a perspicacious observer might expect.”
Video & Audio: Jewish Lies from 1991: Iraqis have built gas chambers to kill all the Jews!
I found an old news item in my archive. It was a screen shot of a story from the Jewish Press in 1991. It was one of the many Jewish lies about Iraq that were told at that time.