Canada: Should You Trust Your Bank or Credit Union? – How truckers were ratted on
2009: German Magazine Spiegel says: South Africa Has Become a De Facto One-Party State
This is the only time that a major Western publication ever stated the obvious truth: That South Africa is a one party state. The best we can hope for is that the Blacks will fight it out among themselves eventually.
[Paul Fromm sent me this. Jan]
A new report shows that a large Canadian credit union reported to
the police one of its customers who “liked” the Freedom Convoy
Facebook page and proceeded to monitor his financial transactions.
According to Blacklock’s Reporter, recently released records
show that on February 15 of this year, Assiniboine Credit Union in
Winnipeg, Manitoba, reported one of its users to the Royal
Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) because he had “liked” the
Freedom Convoy Facebook page, telling the federal police he is
“potentially involved” in the protest. [And what if he had been?
Peaceful protest is our right. This is not Red China yet!]
The report to the RCMP came the day after Prime Minister Justin
Trudeau enacted the Emergencies Act (EA) to shut down the
protest, wherein the government gave banks and financial
institutions the power to freeze suspected Freedom Convoy donors’
accounts without a court order. Assiniboine went as far as having its
staff members monitor the man’s social media posts, as well as
comb through his checking account transactions. Management at
Assiniboine noted that before the EA was enacted, “account activity was being monitored but not deemed illegal.” [Such disgusting collaborators in repression and toadies to tyranny!]
Police noted in a memo that same day that the credit union member
in question was a “well known anti-vax” person, suggesting the tip
from the credit union was followed up on.
In another instance of financial institutions using the EA as a reason
to go after their customers, the same report shows that an unnamed
Canadian bank had also reported to police one of its credit card
users who had allegedly purchased a gas mask from an army
surplus store. [A perfectly legal activity.]
This information was shown in a February 17 email, with police
noting “It won’t come as a surprise but a bank has frozen assets of
an individual and they also disclosed that a purchase was recently
made at an Ottawa Army Surplus store.”
“Most likely a gas mask,” added the RCMP.
These recent revelations are not the first instances of Canadian
financial institutions reporting their customers to the police due to
their political views. As noted last month by LifeSiteNews, records
show Desjardins Group also reported to the RCMP some of its
customers who were making financial transactions supporting the
Freedom Convoy. The bank had reported a couple that made a
$20,000 deposit, which the bank claimed was being used to pay for
pro-Freedom Convoy signs. [Even if their suspicion was correct,
making political signs is not illegal. Canada is not North Korea
Trudeau’s use of the EA led to almost $8 million in funds from 267
different people being frozen, in addition to 170 bitcoin
wallets. The full impact of Trudeau’s cabinet’s use of the EA to
expand the scope of the Proceeds Of Crime And Terrorist
Financing Act to allow for such freezing has yet to be determined
by a parliamentary committee.
Last month during a round-table discussion at the Public Order
Emergency Commission (POEC), panel member Dr. Gerard
Kennedy, who along with other POEC members was tasked with
advising government officials on future policy in light of the
Freedom Convoy, seemed to agree with the controversial freezing
measures taken by the Trudeau government, saying it was
‘efficacious" and "even justified" for banks to freeze the assets of
demonstrators protesting government COVID measures.
During testimony before the POEC last month, it was also revealed
that one Canadian bank executive suggested Freedom Convoy
protesters could be labeled as “terrorists” to allow for a quick
freezing of their funds. [And these are the people protecting YOUR
money? To the threatened Globalist elite, words lose their usual
meanings. Peaceful dissent is mislabelled "terrorism", which means
shootings and bombings.]
Finance Minister Chyrstia Freeland’s testimony before the
commission showed that she even agreed with one Canadian bank
CEO’s call for possible military intervention in the Freedom
Convoy. [She's big on fighting to preserve "democracy" in the
Ukraine (actually an immensely corrupt government) while
crushing dissent here at home.]
With the POEC’s public policy phase coming to a close two weeks
ago, they are now tasked with releasing a report to Canada’s
parliament and Senate with their findings and recommendations by
February 20, 2023. (LifeSiteNews, December 12, 2022)
White Shop: Communist Safari 1979 Rhodesia Light Infantry T-Shirt
The Rhodesian Light Infantry was an all-White unit.