CANADA: Report on the Ground From Fort McMurray, A Deteriorating City by Brad Love, Ex-Political Prisoner & Citizen Reporter


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Get a Free PDF Book: The Jews by Hilaire Belloc (1922)
This is one of the greatest analyses of the Jews that has ever been done. This book was published in 1922.Hilaire Belloc was a very prolific French writer and thinker. A wonderful aspect of this book is that it contains information about the Jews and their hideous deeds (e.g. in Russia) which Jews have tried very hard to completely remove from history. When you read this book you will realise that in 100 years, absolutely nothing has changed. He also hints at the Jews being behind the ‘South African War‘ (i.e. The 2nd Anglo Boer War).

[Paul Fromm of CAFE sent me this. Jan]

FORT MCMURRAY. September 1. My downtrodden city has become a dumping ground for Justin Trudeau’s unwanted mass Third World migrant invasion. The office my own MLAs (Brian Jean, Tony Yao) even confirmed this when I called them which, you know, is risky for me to do as very few speak out or even care here. Foreign students, mostly Sikhs, abound.Why in this small town? Some, indeed most, look too old to be "students", reminding me of the illegal trucker or "student" [Jaskirat Singh] Sidhu convicted of killing those 16 Humboldt hockey players in Saskatchewan, six years or so ago.. No one gets such an obvious connection!

Sikhs crowd every bus I get on. They walk on without paying and I rarely see any working anywhere. Africans and Moslems dressed in robes push double, even triple baby carriages. Where do they get the money? Houses are for sale on every street, stores closed. ATB Financial even vacated two months ago. How are masses of broke migrants going to fix any of this. They’ll never get a mortgage to buy a $120,000 townhouse on my street. Or get a car loan from Summit GM which recently handed out school supplies with the Islamic Aid Society at the local almost empty mall.

Druggies and homeless abound, drunk native Indians crowd the back seats of city buses, shoplifters and panhandlers at every store/mall. Yet, I rarely see any RCMP intervention. They surely never helped me with my frauds/thefts and death threats against me. Is my city/country really this permissive? Perhaps, it is as I see White males in their ’50s accompanying young often pregnant Filipinas. Child sex slavery?

Throw in all of the loud and not very thankful refugees who must sneer at our Third World city and I have to wonder. Where will they work? They’d never qualify for oil patch jobs and they won’t accept Walmart work. So, yeah, they’re screwed in what they assumed was an all-White industrial city. Yeah right? Hey, we never invited nor wanted them here!

Let them line up for backpacks full of school supplies, while holding $800 cellphones. Bizarre! Again, no one gets all this.

I board an airport bus at 1:30 pm after shopping. It’s almost full although I’m two stops away from the Downtown Centre where it just left. What the heck? A mile later, the bus empties and half the brown turbanned and robed mass head to Keyano College while grubby Whites and rowdy native Indians shuffle across the street through the strip joint parking lot to the Centre of Hope shelter. What a true picture of what Canada’s once wealthiest town now is! I now ride the bus alone for the seven uphill miles to my quiet neighbourhood near the airport.

We do sometimes pick up Filipino men and women young and old at Tim’s or McDonald’s outlets. Why is an elderly Filipino man working at Tim’s? No one pays to board the bus. I show my driver’s licence. Sixty-five years olds ride free, but it is barely glanced at. I phoned the bus company head officec to ask why there is this lax fare collecting and an inspector told me: "We try to educate the public, blah, blah," and I countered: "Educate to pay for a service they’re using? Are you nuts?"

Does a grocery store or gas station have to "educate" their customers to, you know, pay for their purchase? She also went on about riders complaining about "racism" or "feeling bullied" to, you know, pay for the fare! Perhaps, I’ll try this at the high end Moslem-owned jewellery store that helped hand out backpacks and try this tactic. Or the East Indian run liquor store where I’ll carry out a case of champagne and when four cops drag me away, I’ll tell the bail hearing judge that I thought it was "acist" to force me to pay for my bubbly. Yeah, all that work for me, right, Paul?

I’ll soon write more of the absurdities that I witness in one of Canada’s new non-White cities, but you really have to see it to believe it. — Brad Love

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Photo: S.Africa: Desperate measures for dealing with Crime! A Home-made Lion!
This is a photo I got years ago. I think a Boer did this. I think, based on the photo, that this is definitely the work of a Boer.

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