Canada: Keep Jews & Liberals away from White Kids! – CAFE Supports “Hands Off Our Kids” Rally in St. Cathari nes, Ontario


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[I like what Paul Fromm is doing. It's great because the Jews and the Liberals are brainwashing and DESTROYING the minds and lives of White kids. This is a serious issue that harms our entire race. Jan]

Posted on October 23, 2023

CAFE Supports “Hands Off Our Kids” Rally in St. Catharines, Ontario

ST. Catharines, October 21, 2023. Over 200 people rallied today here to oppose indoctrination of children with the radical SOGI (Sexual Orientations and Gender Identity) sex ed programme. They also insisted that parents be informed if their under age and perhaps confused children are changing their names or pronouns at school.

CAFE supporters took at active part in the rally.

The St. Catharines rally was one of dozens taking part across Canada.

About a dozen pro-LGBTQ counterprotesters shadowed the march bust stayed well back.

Paul Fromm, CAFE Directors report from the rally: –

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