Canada: Globe & Mail Warns Of Trudeau’s Dangerous Agenda?
Video: 1970: Angola: Incredible Portuguese mother beats Black terrorists in a gunfight
In this video I discuss two feats of courage by white civilians during war in southern Africa. The one is a feat by a 16 year old white boy, and the other, much more incredible story is what a 28 year old Portuguese mother did in Angola.
In a stunning admission, Globe & Mail Publisher Phillip Crawley warned that Bill C-18 would put independent reporting at risk.
Crawley says he wrote a letter to a federal minister for the first time in his 24-year tenure at the paper, "Because there are risks to independent journalism in Canada if legislation making its way through Parliament is not defined more clearly."
He later added, "But if government, or its agencies, are the gatekeepers for commercial agreements between newspapers (and their websites) and digital giants such as Google and Facebook, editorial freedom can be a casualty."
"editorial freedom can be a casualty."
That’s a careful and subtle way of saying the freedom of the press could be destroyed.
And without freedom of the press, Canada wouldn’t have any free speech or free expression left.
What Crawley doesn’t say is that attacking Independent Media and wrecking freedom of the press is the goal of Liberal legislation.
It’s not a mistake.
It’s not about ‘poorly written’ legislation.
It’s being done on purpose.
And it’s not directed at the Globe & Mail.
It’s directed at people like me, people who have built a large following of Canadians who demand alternatives to the propaganda of the Liberals, and don’t trust the establishment media due to its dependence on government subsidies.
The Liberals keep pushing to silence people like us, and that is why I ask for your support. If you are able to support my writing, I encourage you to contribute either through PayPal, or directly at
Your support is deeply valued and means everything to me.
Spencer Fernando
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