Canada: FROMM GATE: Conservative Party Accepted Fromm’s Membership Application, Mailed Him Leadership Race Bal lot, Accepted Returned Ballot Says Sloan – My Comments
Video: JEWS105: Jews are too sly & sneaky for Whites
I am struggling to find a way to tell my fellow whites how utterly sly and sneaky the Jews really are and how often they fool us. They fool us far more than you realise.
[These idiots and fools hate Paul Fromm. What a bunch of scum. Paul must just soldier on. Why can't he join a political party and behave the same as any other Canadian citizen. This is where Liberalism takes you. Liberalism is Jewish crap which divides Whites against themselves. These people are nuts. If they had any brains they would know that Paul is on their side … in fact a total patriot if ever there was one. Let these tiny little clowns play their idiotic games. I just laugh at their idiocy. Bunch of fools. Grow some balls you bloody idiots. Wake up to reality … you bunch of fools. Jan]
FROMM GATE: Conservative Party Accepted Fromm’s Membership Application, Mailed Him Leadership Race Ballot, Accepted Returned Ballot Says Sloan
[In the 2020 Conservative Party Leadership campaign, I joined the party and gave a donation to social conservative candidate Derek Sloan. I duly received my ballot in the mail, I completed it, sent it in and voted for Sloan. The far leftist Broadbent Institute blew the whistle on the measly $131.00 donation.
Party leader Erin O’Toole who has promised a more "inclusive party" flipped out.
CBC (January 18, 2021) reported: "Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole says he plans to expel eastern Ontario MP Derek Sloan from the Conservative caucus after news emerged that the backbencher received a leadership campaign donation from a self-described white nationalist.
Frederick P. Fromm donated $131 to Sloan in August 2020 while the MP was running for the leadership of the Conservative Party, according to Elections Canada records. That’s the full name of Paul Fromm, who is widely regarded as a white supremacist although he has rejected the label of "neo-Nazi."
The donation was first reported by Press Progress, a website funded by the left-leaning Broadbent Institute.
"Derek Sloan’s acceptance of a donation from a well-known white supremacist is far worse than a gross error of judgment or failure of due diligence," O’Toole said in a statement issued Monday evening.
"In accordance with the Reform Act, I have initiated the process to remove Mr. Sloan from the Conservative Party of Canada caucus. I expect this to be done as quickly as possible. Moreover, as leader of Canada’s Conservatives, I will not allow Mr. Sloan to run as a candidate for our party." — Paul Fromm
Conservative Party Accepted Fromm’s Membership Application, Mailed Him Leadership Race Ballot, Accepted Returned Ballot Says Sloan
NewsSpencerFernandoJanuary 18, 20210
How can they justify booting Sloan when it appears responsibility actually rests with the central party.
With Conservative leader Erin O’Toole pushing to remove Derek Sloan on a weak pretext, Sloan is pushing back.
In a letter shared online, Sloan went through the chain of events.
He also made some quite interesting points, including saying that the Conservative Party of Canada approved Paul Fromm’s (going under the name Frederick P Fromm) application to be a party member, mailed him a leadership race ballot, and accepted his ballot when it was returned.
As Sloan notes, “Therefore the Party, and the O’Toole campaign, failed to uphold the same standards to which they are now applying to me.”
Vladimir Putin confirms Hitler & NAZIs were RIGHT: The original Bolshevik Communist Govt was JEWISH!
Speaking at Moscows Jewish Museum: Russian President Vladimir Putin said that at least 80 percent of the members of the first Soviet government were Jewish.