Canada & Florida: COVID Zombies in some places & utterly normal Whites elsewhere


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[A note from a Canadian in Vancouver. Jan]

Hey guess what, I’m in Vancouver, visiting my daughter. So I won’t be on the call this Friday. Maybe we’ll be swimming in the ocean 🙂

See you all next week.

Oh, I just have to tell you, when I was driving through downtown to get here, I honestly thought I was in Zombieland, seeing all the masked idiots, outside, riding their bikes even, or driving alone.

But just now Heidi and I went down to the beach, and it is full of normal people, hanging out, some playing volleyball, some playing and singing, lots and lots of people, very crowded, not a mask in sight. Wow. What a contrast to a few blocks away. Weird. I’m so glad I saw the beach scene after seeing the downtown zombie scene. So weird.

Lots of love,

PS: It is like this in south Florida as well, in the high population areas (Communist run) they still wear the diaper; but everywhere else life is already back to normal.

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From Alice Frischmann of Smoloko How to increase White Population Growth My Comments
Increasing the White population should, in my view, be our HIGHEST STRATEGIC PRIORITY. We must have children, at a frenetic pace the maximum pace that is physically possible. We need numbers.

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