CANADA: CAFE Blast Ontario Human Rights Tribunal for Imposing the LGBTQ Agenda on the Town of Emo & Mayor Harold McQuaker
Ten Years After Apartheid (1994-2004): The Raw Facts
This is an article I wrote in 2004, exactly 10 years after hideous Black rule descended upon us. In here are lots of statistics and short bullet points showing the nightmare that South Africa had descended to under Black Communist rule.
[Paul Fromm had a protest. Jan]
TORONTO, WEDNESDAY, December 18, 2024. Supporters of free speech ranging in age from 18 to 88, gathered on this rainy afternoon outside the offices of the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal. There was an ominous police presence
The rally, organized by the Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE) was to support Emo, Ontario Mayor Harold McQuaker and the Emo town council victimized by a recent ruling of the tribunal. Their crime? They failed to proclaim Gay Pride Month and raise the rainbow flag. [The town doesn’t even have a flagpole!]. The mayor rightly noted that the town hasn’t proclaimed Straight Pride Month either.
For their common sense position, reflecting the will of their voters, the mayor was fined $5,000, the town $10,000 and the Mayor is to attend some Maoist political re-education training. The Mayor has refused to pay or to attend such demeaning propaganda. However, the complainant Borderland Pride has managed to loot the money out of his account.
CAFE has warned for decades that human rights commissions are mortal enemies of free speech and independent thought. The Tribunal went further, trying to compel speech the victims do not believe in.
Mayor Harold McQuaker is a free speech hero. He should get the Order of Canada for standing up to minority tyranny.
On the same day, the Emo Town Council filed an application for Judicial Review (appeal) of the Tribunal decision.
Video: White Man Chat: Jews at Work: Personal Story of how easily Africans enter America
This is not just a show. I added a bit of a lecture in here too. In the show we also discuss the Boers and Whites in Africa, but most of the show is focused on White Americans, and how America is being destroyed.