BUMMER: Jew Rats flee Ukraine into EUROPE!
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White Shop: White Power Fist Patch
This embroidered patch is 3 inches in diameter.
White Shop: White Power Fist Patch
This embroidered patch is 3 inches in diameter.
Dammit! It’s ok if White Ukrainians flee to Europe. But as can be expected lots of Jew rats are fleeing and they’re not fleeing to their criminal state of Israel. They’re fleeing to Europe!! Oh damn! More bloody Jews in Europe! How absolutely irritating for our European brethren.
Jan‘s Advertisement
White Shop: Ersatzkommando Waffen SS shirt
Ersatzkommando der Waffen SS (literally translates to Replacement Command of the Waffen SS), the 1943 Belgian World War II recruitment poster created by the National Socialist German occupying forces, and featuring Bertau art of a giant SS symbol literally slaying a Liberal/Bolshevik red dragon.
White Shop: Ersatzkommando Waffen SS shirt
Ersatzkommando der Waffen SS (literally translates to Replacement Command of the Waffen SS), the 1943 Belgian World War II recruitment poster created by the National Socialist German occupying forces, and featuring Bertau art of a giant SS symbol literally slaying a Liberal/Bolshevik red dragon.