British Reader asks: What can be done regarding the Jew World Order?


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Video: NEW! DNA Proof that Jack the Ripper was a Polish Jew & Jewish Lies about Lewis Carr
Here is the final DNA proof as well as actual photo of the Jew who was Jack the Ripper and the horrific story of this evil, hate-filled Jew. The Author of Alice in Wonderland was a very clever Englishman who was on to the Jews.

A Brit asked me this:hello from england, What can be done about the Jew World Order?

My reply:
The best thing anyone can do is to gather data and Red Pill any Whites you can in any way possible. Any truth, of any kind, will help. Just focus on Red Pilling our people. Great things will come from that. Great things. Just spread the truth and trust "the process". You’ll see what our people will do…

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This design is on the front of your choice of either white or ash t-shirt, tank top, long sleeve or baseball shirt (baseball shirts are only white).

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