Britain & USA might protect Black states from Boer & White African attacks


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Video: 2nd Anglo-Boer War: The British Atrocities against the Boers
The 2nd Anglo Boer war is probably the only war where WHITE CHILDREN were the main victims by far! In this video we take a look at the dirty war that the British Army engaged in, in order to crush a tiny army of Dutch-German Farmers (the Boers) here in Africa. We look at photographs and information from that time. We also look at the role of the British Rothschilds and Jews in this war.

[This is a note I sent to a young American who asked me about the state of Lesotho. Jan]

Hi Chris, about Lesotho: It’s extremely mountainous there. The Drakensberg are a huge chain of mountains in SA and Lesotho is there. It’s the home of the Basuto tribe. These are Blacks who fought the Boers, and the Blacks lived in the mountains and the Boers gave up on fighting them. I think the Blacks then ran to the British for protection. I would need to double check some of this – but this is the basis for the survival of those blacks. It might be worth checking up on PROTECTED BLACKS – Blacks that Whites are not allowed to attack BECAUSE BRITAIN PROTECTS THEM. Swaziland I think is in the same camp, and Botswana might be as well. That these are Blacks who are PROTECTED BY THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT. We would need to do more digging into this.

A Rhodesian friend of mine who spent several years working in Lesotho, told me that the Blacks are devious and cunning and they pride themselves on that.

Nowadays, America and Botswana are allies and Botswana might be the point from which the American Marines would INVADE SOUTH AFRICA. That’s another topic. There are 101 different topics that need more discussion and fleshing out.

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