Brilliant Hillarious Meme: Now this is Jewish/Liberal HYPOCRISY at its FINEST! President Nixon vs President Obama!


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Expropriation Bill: The Government can seize your property without paying you for it
This organisation is fighting the Government in court over this bill. You can support them.

I always burst out LMAO when I look at this. This is so funny. But its also sad. Nixon was really cheated. We must laugh but also become National Socialists – infact Racial/Global/White Socialists. We whites are ALL tied together. We must NEVER forget that! 14/88

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Video: Blacks massive wastage, massive inefficiency: Why Africa Wasted $1.4 Trillion in Foreign Aid
Africa is the richest continent on Earth. In fact, it is richer in minerals than the whole world combined. Yet these useless Blacks have received more food, medicines and AID than any other place on Earth. Their levels of wastage and failure are unbelievable.

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