BREAKING: Trump Just Won BIG In Lawsuit Against Him By His Money-Seeking Niece Mary Trump


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ONLY IN AFRICA: 400 SEX TAPES: Government official is arrested after more than 400 sex tapes leak
As you can see, not much work gets done in Africa at a high level. I‘ll bet you these aren‘t the only women he slept with either. These were just the important ones.

[It was clear from the beginning that they were just using her to try to cause problems for Trump. She seemed like a scumbag. Jan]

President Trump has won a lawsuit brought against by his angry niece Mary Trump.

The lawsuit had to do with her being deceived about a family settlement she was due back in 2001.

A state judge in New York dismissed the lawsuit at President Trump’s behest.

Here’s a bit more:

A New York judge dismissed the fraud suit filed against former President Donald Trump by his niece, Mary Trump, who accused him and his siblings of deceiving her about the value of her inheritance as part of a 2001 family settlement.

New York Supreme Court Justice Robert Reed on Monday ruled that Mary Trump had released her right to the claims.

I know this isn’t political, per se, but since Mary Trump insists on being a political thorn in his side I thought this was newsworthy. Also it makes me happy to see her lose in court to the man she hates so much.


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Video & Audio: Political Magic: How Roosevelt fooled Americans!
This is the incredible story of how vast numbers of people can be fooled through a bit of trickery. You wouldnt think that something SO OBVIOUS could be lied about and yet it was lied about, very successfully!

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