Brain-Dead Communist Biden Is Sneaking INSANE New Regulations Into “Infrastructure” Bill — One Will Mandat e ALL News Cars To Have DUI Breathalyzer Ignitions


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Video: JEWS105: Jews are too sly & sneaky for Whites
I am struggling to find a way to tell my fellow whites how utterly sly and sneaky the Jews really are and how often they fool us. They fool us far more than you realise.

[It's really crazy the stuff they're trying to do. How will people afford this at a time when the economy is struggling? These people are malicious, bored and just plain stupid as they need to find ways to steal from the common man so that the super rich and the Jews … can be RICHER! Jan]

The Biden regime’s equity-focused “infrastructure” bill has a provision buried in it to mandate all new motor vehicles have some type of DUI prevention system to keep people from starting their own cars.

From Reuters, “U.S. Senate bill seeks to require anti-drunk driving vehicle tech”:

A $1 trillion infrastructure bill under debate by the U.S. Senate includes a provision that directs U.S. regulators to mandate a passive technology to prevent intoxicated drivers from starting vehicles and avert more than 10,000 deaths annually.

For more than 15 years, automakers and others have studied potential technological fixes to address the roughly one-third of annual U.S. traffic deaths that involved impaired drivers.

The legislative push has won the backing of the advocacy group Mothers Against Drunk Driving, the auto insurance industry and some alcohol trade associations.

[…] Some convicted drunk drivers are required to use breath-testing devices attached to an ignition interlock before starting their vehicles.

The Senate bill does not specify the technology but said it must “passively monitor the performance of a driver of a motor vehicle to accurately identify whether that driver may be impaired.”


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Video & Audio: The Jews are turning BLUE thanks to St Dylann Roof!
Why are there now photos of people appearing with Blue faces? Whites are getting better and better at communicating with each other, despite every attempt by the Jews to prevent us spreading information.

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