Books The Human Drift by King Camp Gillette (1894)
S.Africa: GOD ORDERED IT! Exterminate the Blacks: Harry Knoesen and the Crusaders
I‘ve been waiting for this for a long time. A lot of what happened, also happened on the phones, and clearly the videos and audios are now in court.
The Human Drift is a work of Utopian social planning, written by King Camp Gillette and first published in 1894. The book details Gillette’s theory that replacing competitive corporations with a single giant publicly owned trust (“the United Company”) would cure virtually all social ills.
One-third of the book is devoted to Gillette’s plan for an immense three-level metropolis (called “Metropolis”) on the site of Niagara Falls. Designed to accommodate a population of tens of millions of inhabitants, it would in fact be the only city on the North American continent. Economies of scale would mean that a single one of every necessary facility — one steel mill, one shoe factory, etc. — would exist. Advances in mechanization would generate ever-greater efficiencies, and ever-greater wealth for the whole society. Social progress would be natural and inevitable; gender equality would be the rule.
Video & Audio: The World God created Lessons from Nature for Whites
Here we take a look at nature and what nature is actually like. What is the natural world like and how does it match up with the types of things that Christians believe? How do whites, even white Christians, view the world and nature?