Books Japan’s Fight for Freedom; The story of the war between Russia and Japan (1904)


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(1990) Bishop Tutu: NAZI slaughter of Jews was better than Apartheid
Black Christians in South Africa are no friends of the Whites. These disgusting people have turned on the Whites many time. Here is Tutu lying and pretending that Apartheid was WORSE than the (mythical) Jewish Holocaust (which never happened).

Japan’s Fight for Freedom, v01

Japan’s Fight for Freedom, v02

Japan’s Fight for Freedom, v03

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Video: Creativity: Ben Klassens Autobiography: Against the Evil Tide
At the beginning of this book, I discuss why I think its excellent and some of the things that blew me away and impressed the hell out of me. This book is very long, but you can randomly listen to any part of it.

Obergruppenfuhrer SS

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