Book: The Closing of the American Mind


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[Below are some thoughts from Lorenz Kraus about this book. I am still hunting for a PDF copy of it if anyone ever comes across it. Jews are at work disemboweling America and turning everything against Whites. Jan]

Hi Jan,

It’s funny that you mentioned COTAM.

I had ordered it a day or two before you mentioned it.

It’s by a Trotskyite homo-Jew who died of AIDS.

"The popularization of German philosophy in the United States is of peculiar interest to me."

So he says.

Most of what he claims is German philosophy is just the Jews from Germany roosting in America.

So far, he doesn’t talk about the Jews being the cause of America’s intellectual rot.

But, I’m sure he knows.

He wants to blame Germans for Jewish intellectual activity for American retardation.

Overall, his writing style is unpleasant and defective. I’m left to wonder what voice is he using, and what is he referring to?

I don’t think he is a good writer, but he was puffed into prominence by the English Mafia that hails Jewish heroes now and again.

Here’s my latest bit of activism.

I sent it to the law faculty at New York State University at Buffalo School of Law, and about 50 other writers.


Later Lorenz added:
His style is gossipy, not scholarly, like some WASP on a boat in Martha’s Vineyard.

I think he is trying to imitate their style. The Jew who is desperate to fit in.

Since he was a homo and a Jew, he probably had good linguistic imitation skills.

He calls Adorno a German psycho-sociologist.

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This book includes photos and shows the horrors and incompetance and assorted foolishness that took place in South Africa when the ANC obtained farms from Whites through the Land Claims process. Nothing like this has been written since. It is a classic text on wastage and inefficiency.

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