Black Swedish Rapper Calls For White People To Be Shot – My Comments
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[The Jew as always is using art and other popular things against whites. Music is an area of special suspicion. I've been listening to many songs along with their videos and its fascinating how pop music has changed over the decades, and I think especially back to the 1970s when I was young. I ask myself why certain styles among white musicians were changing then … because it is as if they are preparing us for the future when black music will dominate, which it now does.
Nigerian-born rap artist Jesse Ekene Nweke Conable called for his fans to “shoot” white people while urging, “Take them as slaves and treat them even worse.”
What a fantastic role model for the kids.
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The comments were made in a rant posted on a closed Instagram group called Barasvarta (“Blacks only”), according to news outlet Samhällsnytt.
“We, blacks” will “become number one and take over these whites,” said Conable, adding, “Like these whites took us as slaves we should take them as slaves and treat them even worse.”
“We’ll take their bitches and we’ll take their money,” he continued. “To be perfectly honest, we will be the best race ever. We are African warriors, they are not on our level. This is just the beginning, black power.”
Making the shape of a gun with his hand, Conable asserted, “If any white guy or white girl is trying to talk shit about you, shoot them! If they talk shit about your family, shoot them!”
The rapper appears to think he has carte blanche to make violent racist threats against white people, posting a meme that says, “You cannot be racist if you are not white.”
After Conable’s comments were reported on by the media, he announced that he would ‘delete’ the “snitch” who leaked them.
Conable, who emigrated to Sweden in 2008 and now has citizenship, has a combined total of 280,000 subscribers on YouTube.
As we reported earlier this year, another rapper in France released a track in which he sings, “I fuck France, I burn France,” as he is portrayed strangling a white woman meant to symbolically represent France.
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