Black Millionaires in Racist White countries: Apartheid South Africa and Rhodesia
Video: BANNED: How the Jews infiltrated the Vatican & changed the Catholic Church
On Youtube this was one of my videos that began to go viral, which they then stopped. I regard this as a very important old video and I have fixed audio problems and also added some additional comments to the front of this video. This audio is so important that all Christians and even non-Christians should listen to this. This is a fantastic example of how Jews will infiltrate and change virtually everything. I also discuss Zionism.
This is from a note to an American I know. I was talking about President PW Botha creator of the massive, successful Black Taxi industry:
Take note that this industry was created by Whites under Apartheid only for Blacks. it was ILLEGAL for Whites to own taxis (though there were quite a lot who did).
This is an example of whites giving blacks something that worked for them under apartheid which the subsequent blacks themselves could never match, nor improve.
These people are now scamming on their taxes BIG TIME.
This industry is enormous.
It’s not that I care for morality, but I’m just pointing out – for those who do care and who do whine – that here is an example of a great success created specifically for blacks by whites and meant to be a success for blacks only.
Under Apartheid, there were quite a number of black multimillionaires. They never talk about that.
In Rhodesia too there were black millionaires. My father sold our farm to a Black millionaire who owned a chain of supermarkets.
Canadian Association for Free Expression
Dedicated to Free Speech, Immigration Reform, and Restoring Political Sanity. This is a very important website and organisation in Canada run by Paul Fromm, whom I know personally. He used to work with the late great Ernst Zundel when the Jews tried to destroy him. Paul Fromm does an incredible amount of work and he‘s the most rock solid fighter for White Freedom and Truth in Canada.