Bitcoin & Crypto – The Slow, longish, slide of (Temporary) Death…


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16 Pics: A Jewish Communist assassin stabbed S.African Prime Minister Dr Hendrik Verwoerd to DEATH!
Dr Hendrick Verwoerd was the Prime Minister of South Africa. He was *HATED* by the Jews and is regarded as the main creator of Apartheid. Apartheid was White Racialism whereby all Whites (Afrikaans and English) ruled SA together. Verwoerd was unquestionably the Greatest White leader in the history of SA. Jews had him killed.

My own view, having followed the events of the Bitcoin and Etherium and anti-crypto stuff, is that I think that the peak for Bitcoin, that Max Keiser had predicted for October 2021 will not happen. I will be delighted and surprised if it does, and wish it would but I don’t think it will happen.

I think that we’ve seen a classic bull market that was starting to go up steeply and then they hit it endlessly until they broke it.

I don’t think the market will recover back to it’s highs of April.

I think that the market will try to rally but will keep falling short because people have lost their nerve.

I think the slide will be down slowly for several months, and maybe even a year before it settles down.

The good news is that crypto will recover, and it doesn’t take ten years. I think within 2 years we’ll begin seeing the soft stirrings again.

It will probably be back in a good swing within 3+ years.

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