Biden is coming to seize your GUNS! – Biden team has already reached out to ATF with an eye towards banning 80% receivers and pistol braces already owned by MILLIONS of law-abiding Americans
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[Here we go again. Anything to disarm the WHITE AMERICAN MALE! They never say it's for WHITEs but, it is because the vast majority of gun owners are WHITES! Jan]
For decades, the FBI’s annual homicide statistics, which are gathered from virtually every policy agency in the country, have shown that handguns, by far, are used in the vast majority of gun homicides.
It’s not even close.
Rifles — and especially those dreaded ‘assault rifles,’ the misnamed military look-alikes that are popular with Americans — account for a minuscule number of gun homicides.
But because those guns are much more powerful and useful to keep an errant government at bay, Democrats have long sought to regulate them out of existence, all while pretending to ‘respect’ and ‘uphold’ the Second Amendment’s guaranteed right of citizens to keep and bear arms.
Let’s make this about as clear as it can be: No gun law is constitutional, especially any gun law that restricts Americans’ access to or ownership of firearms. The Second Amendment is plain, clear, and comes without caveats like:
— Governments can ban certain kinds of firearms;
— If you’ve been in prison you can’t own a gun anymore;
— You’re only allowed to buy a certain number of guns during a certain period of time;
— You are subject to gun licensure by government;
— You can’t have a gun on you at any time;
— You can’t bring guns to certain places, etc.
There are no caveats in the Second Amendment or the Constitution barring gun ownership, period.
With that said, leave it to the (potentially) incoming Biden administration to already begin planning to attack Americans’ gun rights again.
The elections are far from over and Biden’s victory is nothing more than a unilateral declaration. This is true except for the ATF which is secretly transitioning itself to be in a position to restrict gun ownership under the Biden administration.
ATF’s Acting Director Regina Lombardo disclosed during a conference call on November 10, 2020, that Biden’s transition team reached out to discuss ATF’s top priorities. An insider disclosed that 80% lower receivers and pistol braces would be her priority.
Ammoland adds that at present, “there are currently multiple millions of pistol braces owned by law-abiding American gun owners.
“ATF heads have wanted to go after pistol braces for years,” the site said, adding that 80% receivers are also a target of a federal agency that should not exist in the first place, insofar as ‘regulating firearms’ is concerned.
“The ATF thought it didn’t have the political capital to move on pistol braces under a Trump administration. Our sources within the ATF believe that recent actions against pistol brace companies and ATF sending signals that they would make braced firearms an NFA item (AOW), was to try to undermine President Trump’s base before an election,” Ammoland continued.
As for the receivers, gun grabbers have long targeted those because they allow gun owners to mill out their own firearms without serial numbers, something Americans have been doing for hundreds of years (building their own guns).
Democrats have invented a boogey man — they call such weapons “ghost guns” that criminals use regularly. But in fact, use of such weapons by criminals “is exceedingly rare,” Ammoland notes, but even if not, so what? Crimes are, by definitely, lawless acts; committing them with a firearm makes such criminal actions even more punishable. Does it really matter if the weapon used has a serial number?
“Our President Trump still could and should take action against the unaccountable ATF personnel working behind the administration’s back before a 2020 Presidential winner is even declared,” John Crump, an NRA instructor, wrote at Ammoland.
“Through an executive order, he created Schedule F. The order allows the President to move government workers into the new category to more easily fire them. Trump could send a message by using Schedule F to remove the rogue ATF leadership,” he wrote.
Beyond that, it is unconscionable — but totally not unexpected — that Biden’s authoritarians are already plotting against guns.
Stay current with Biden’s attempts to take away our firearms at
White Shop: Rhodesia: Military Patch: Be A Man Among Men Morale Patch
This patch is based on a Rhodesian Army Recruitment poster that we used to have in Rhodesia which read: Be a Man among Men.