Biden crashing in every conceivable way… My Thoughts – Only White Americans matter…
2 Photos: 1892: When White Americans burned a Black man to death for raping a White woman!
White men in the USA used to take no shit. This is what they did to a black who raped a white woman. Whites have a tough, harsh justice system.
I am so pleased to see Biden and the woke Democrats crashing in every conceivable way.
What I would like to see is them being beaten soundly.
But the sad fact though is that the "Good guys" the Republicans, including Trump are sell outs to their own race. White Americans will NOT defend White Americans.
What is literally needed in the USA is a NAZI party or at the very least a White People’s Party.
But Americans are so intimidated into believing that you need to cooperate, that they just can’t see the power of race and the power of working together.
Anyway, I think the main take-away from Biden and the Dems, is not the SOLUTION … as in voting the Republicans or Trump in … but that the MASSES … the WHITES will see more and more clearly, that the system is weird, creepy, anti-white, Jewey, etc.
I am more interested in the effect on the masses of Whites than anything else.
It is the mental waking up, through all the weird creepy Jew crap, that is the key here.
It is the AWAKENING and RED PILLING of our race that is the most important thing.
Everything else is of no importance. The RACE NEEDS TO AWAKEN. The RACE NEEDS TO ARISE.
Video: Top Communist Jew: Ronnie Kasrils: Why Jews HATED Dr Verwoerd & LOVED Mandela
In this video you will hear me asking Ronnie Kasrils a question, and he spends quite a while answering it.