Beautiful Photos: Happy Easter – German style – Ostergruesse – Frohe Ostern
Video: Weird Evolution: Blacks with Ostrich Feet: THE VADOMA TRIBE FOUND IN NORTHERN ZIMBABWE KNOWN
These Blacks have the weirdest, creepiest feet. This is in former Rhodesia.
[I have not really been concerning myself with holidays, etc as I have things on my plate and I must try to get them done. I recevied these really lovely photos from Germans with the greeting of Happy Easter! It's very lovely indeed. I just love the photo of the house at the bottom of this. Germany is so beautiful … but of course it did not happen by itself! The GERMANS made it awesome! Jan]
Osterglocken Pracht im Park
Häschen auf der Frühlingswiese
Honigbiene auf Erste Nektarsuche
Rosafarbene japanische Kirchblüten
Bunte Tulpenpracht zwischen Hyazinthen
Zeitloser Terrassen Wasserfall
Ein Prächtiger Magnoliabaum
Tulpenmeer auf der Heide
Lila Krokusse in voller Blüte
Elfenbein+Rosa Osterlilien
Feurige Primelchen
Ein Korb voller Tulpen
Goldgelbe Osterglocken
Frühlingsausblick in den Bergen
Osterfeuer am Abend im Dorf
Expropriation Bill: The Government can seize your property without paying you for it
This organisation is fighting the Government in court over this bill. You can support them.