AWESOME: The Canadian Patriots are planning a big COME BACK! A DAY OF ACTION COMING!


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S.Africa: 4 Pics: 7 Police Officers arrested for: Murder, Torture Assault & House breaking
This is a story that was doing the rounds. There are 4 photos of the cops, and what they were charged with.

[This is awesome. Lovely to see the Canadians in action. The Dutch Farmers have been in action this year. But let's see these Canadians again! Jan]

Hello Patriot,

My loyal patriots, you have been patient and stayed with us for the months that it has taken to solidify our action plan. As we have said in other emails, our goal was to collect critical mass, our last tour across Canada will do just that.

We will be meeting with provincial leaders, who now have the full plan in their hands and are securing their supporters for our day of action. We are very happy at this time to reveal to you the entire plan in full detail.

On Friday, September 9th a convoy will come out of the East and assemble at a designated point in Manitoba, on the same day a convoy will come out of the West and assemble at a designated point in Alberta.

On the morning of Sunday, September 11th these two convoys, East and West, will converge on the RCMP Training Depot in Regina, Saskatchewan. On this same day, simultaneously across every town, city, and province of Canada, at noon Central Time, organized groups of freedom fighters will descend upon their local RCMP and local Police Stations for a peaceful stand for justice.

We have chosen this day of 911 as a symbol of our action. Canada is in trouble, it has been infiltrated and now terrorized by a foreign entity known as the WEF. This has forced us, as Canadian patriots, to stand and take immediate action, we are calling 911 in the hopes that our Canadian dedicated men and women of law enforcement will come to our aid. We will peacefully request that they will honour their oath to uphold the law, and we wish for the arrest of those who are responsible for atrocities to the Canadian people. This action will be taking place across the entire country. It will be coordinated by group leaders, who have been working hard with me over the past few months dedicated to seeing an end to this tyranny.

To keep our action congruent, we will all have the same information package full of evidence, affidavits, and testimonies, to deliver to the commanding officers of each detachment. If you intend to put a group together for your local law enforcement movement, send us an email and we will get you on the list for the information package. These packages will be out near the end of August.

I realize there has been so much push back in social media on myself and the thought that my intentions were violent. Many months ago I did a speech in the Hundred Mile House in front of a log cabin. It was tapped, put onto social media and went viral. It hinted to the fact that I would be causing an aggressive movement against the so-called leaders of this country. Although now I do regret the content of that speech, it was the turning point that woke up so many to see that there was a problem brewing. In direct relation to that video I was contacted by several key people in Canada and the USA that in turn became the very support needed for the peaceful action we are taking now. At this time, I want to make it perfectly clear to all who are reading this, we have one chance. It is up to you to spread the word to all freedom fighters that on September 11th, we will have one opportunity as a nation, to stand for our freedom and the futures of our children.

We leave it up to you to find the leaders in your area and register yourselves for this event. If you wish to be a part of the convoys to Regina, send your name and phone number and we will connect you with convoy leaders.

Evil can only win if good men and women stand by and do nothing.

There are no second chances here, there are no do-overs, no dress rehearsals, there is only one chance to get this right. If Canada does not stand united on 911 our country and our children’s futures will be lost.

United we stand for freedom . . .

United we stand in peace.


Marcus Ray

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Video: No War has EVER been fought over Right Vs Wrong
Everybody I come across thinks that wars are fought for moral reasons. They think wars are fought over the issue of Right versus Wrong or Good versus Bad. At first this shocked me and I realised that indeed everyone has been conditioned to think like this.

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