AWESOME! Ben Klassen: The first Church Building: Based on: THE WINNING OF THE WEST!!!!
White Shop: Adolf Hitler Painting: Castle Battlements
Castle Battlements depicts a castle-like structure with large stone walls, likely inspired by the medieval architecture that Hitler admired.
White Americans should stop all this Jewish guilt-tripping shit relating to the past and the WHITE CONQUEST OF NORTH AMERICA. Ditto for the Canadians!
When Ben Klassen wanted to build the first ever church for his church, he looked at what type of style should the building be. He thought of basing it on the Egyptians. Ben Klassen makes it clear that the Egyptian civilisation was WHITE. So he looked at that, and discounted it. He said nobody would be interested in a pyramid type of structure.
Then Ben Klassen looked at ancient Greek and Roman architecture as well as the architecture of the NAZIS (which is basically Roman too). He did think of having a church that was referred to as a “temple” like we had in Pagan times.
He got one architect to come up with a plan. That guy sketched a building, which when you look down on it from above, it looks like a cross. He did not see the sense of that.
He did wonder about a Viking type of church.
After much thought, he reckoned that none of these buildings would “speak” to modern Whites.
Then he decided that the WINNING OF THE WEST (i.e. Whites taking over America), was something that was RACIALLY GREAT and it had MEANING. So he based his first (and only) Church building on the Wild West!!! That is a Church building based on a White culture that has meaning!
The entire White race should be PROUD of the CONQUEST of NORTH AMERICA (USA and Canada). Our race came, smashed the Indians, crushed them and CONQUERED THEM in a style that the Romans would approve of. (I’m sure Hitler totally approved of it even if he never said so).
This is what the first Church of the Creator actually looked like! That is Ben standing in front of it. There are no photos of the inside that I know of.
White Shop: Wake Up America shirt - Civilisation calls every Man, Woman & Child
This design is on the front of your choice of either white or ash t-shirt, tank top, long sleeve or baseball shirt (baseball shirts are only white).