Australia is in a serious Security War


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Video: BANNED: How the Jews infiltrated the Vatican & changed the Catholic Church
On Youtube this was one of my videos that began to go viral, which they then stopped. I regard this as a very important old video and I have fixed audio problems and also added some additional comments to the front of this video. This audio is so important that all Christians and even non-Christians should listen to this. This is a fantastic example of how Jews will infiltrate and change virtually everything. I also discuss Zionism.

[One of my Australian readers sent me this note. Jan]

Australia is in a very serious Security War at the moment if it loses this it is finished. I am volunteering my services and if unsuccessful I am making plans to leave. They Create Change legal frameworks to do nothing but destroy opposition or the truth or people they do not like. Or even discussion on Certain Topics Use existing ones to protect yourself Do not fall into the same trap they set for B O’Connell They will try and set legal traps for you. Malcolm Turnbull retired Primeminister of Aus (was kind of ok) A good Lawyer at least. He took on the British Government and Won in Court to get the Book (SpyCatcher Published) He to his credit created good security laws so the Intelligence War can now be wages against foreign interference? …. because the shi*t is going to go down BIG TIME as if what is happening is not bad enough XXXXXX Communists just Sabotaged imho the Australian COVID recovery by FFFing up Border Quarantine they are covering that up ( but the usual) players are involved. So the AUS Situation has just gone from BAD TO WORSE people believe that was incompetence nonsense it was deliberate Note All through WW2 Communist Sabotaged the American War Effort in Australia (People even wrote a book about that) They are up to their old tricks in Australia’s time of need again. With all this (Stuff Reality Information) (I think) it is really important to (maintain and protect) Your mental health. Maintain a positive outlook whatever goes down and enjoy – the freak show.

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Expropriation Bill: The Government can seize your property without paying you for it
This organisation is fighting the Government in court over this bill. You can support them.

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