Australia is firmly in the grip of the JEWS and the NATION WRECKING IS WELL UNDER WAY!!!


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Lots of Photos: NAZI Gassings!!
This is a link to the Wayback Machine where you can see a wonderful old website with mountains of photos and articles about the enormous Jewish hoax of the holocaust. NAZIGASSINGS was a wonderful little website in it‘s day. You can still see many photos and stories on this page.

I was chatting to an Australian supporter and I was discussing the tremendous rules they have in Australia to stop all sorts of things from being shipped to Australia. The supporter told me that customs seized something that he’d ordered. He didn’t tell me what it was but it was probably some NAZI-related item.

In our discussion he made this very telling remark which I agree with:
Yes the state of Australia is on the decline thanks to Jews and Liberals and churches who will tell you that the Austrian painter (Hitler) was the worst.

Yep, if they screech about Adolf Hitler, then you know Jews are all around. And Jewry can only do one thing … JEWS BRING STANDARDS DOWN… and the Nation wrecking is well under way.

White Australians used to be tough. They weren’t pussies. Now Jews are there busy microwaving their minds with all kinds of Jewish crap.

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