White Shop: Fire Force: A Troopers War In The Rhodesian Light Infantry
This is the best book Ive read about Rhodesia which describes the life of a young soldier who is in the Fire force. These guys were called into battle several times a day and the fighting was hectic. This book is very well written and you never get bored.
[One of my Australian Supporters sent me this. I enjoy learning about what Whites have done in other countries, and while I may know some European history, I am beginning to look more and more at White Colonialism. Australia and New Zealand along with Canada and America are the big White success stories on other continents. I think that one of the outstanding proofs of the importance of RACE is in the British experiment in Australia where the British sent all their White criminals to the other side of the earth, with the hope to be rid of the human trash … and now, 237 years later …. We see that the "White scum" created a wonderful civilisation that is as high quality as Britain, and that the Australian men, when having to go to war, were more than capable. It did not matter that criminals were sent there … in the end only DNA MATTERS!!! I will still discuss my ideas on White Unity, and you may be in for some surprises when I discuss my thoughts. So think about the British: They are bringing non-Whites into Britain now, but in prior centuries they sent White trash away from Britain. Wouldn't Britain be better off either importing those Whites back or, rather, have kept them, and never sent them away hey? Look at the human garbage they have now. ALL THAT MATTERS IS DNA. Australia is wonderful proof that DNA trumps everything. As for the Aborigines, they are retards related to the Blacks, and it doesn't matter what the Whites did there. White Australians must NEVER HAVE A GUILT COMPLEX. I have pointed out the role of JEWS working on the anti-White Aborigine movements in Australia. As always the Jews are scum. Jan]
January 26 marks the date of the British settlement in Australia when commodore Arthur Phillip & his party landed in Sydney Cove in 1788
Australia had actually been discovered by the Dutch in 1606, 182 years earlier (& probably by the Portuguese in 1522)
However it was the British who invaded & wrecked the aboriginal fauna by bringing their wicked White civilization
Let’s take this moment to reflect on what has been lost:
• Aboriginals were still living purely in the Paleolithic era, making rudimentary stone tools by chipping away at bits of rock. They had not been corrupted by the farming & agriculture which defined the Mesolithic era & had infected Europe around 12000 years ago. They still lived as hunter-gathers, burning woodland to flush out animals. In fact, they burnt so much they caused the desertification of large areas of Australia, making the majority of it uninhabitable
• As paleolithic hunter-gathers, they were free from technological advances, such as written language. Written language allows knowledge to be passed from generation to generation, thereby building over time into a more complex understanding of the world (which leads to evils such as White civilization). Aboriginal people were so pure in their nescience and noble savagery that they did not even know there was a connection between sexual intercourse and pregnancy
• Although not having developed written language in the 60,000+ years they had dwelt in Australia, aboriginals had invented many other things, such as sticks, sharp rocks, pointed sticks, & curved sticks that arc back when thrown. They also developed musical instruments such as sticks which make a noise when hit together, & even progressed to the achievement of hollowing out a big stick that makes a farty sound when air is blown into it. These technological achievements together with miniature clip-on koalas, kangaroo keychains, & Australian flag fridge magnets form the backbone of the tourist souvenir market today
• Being devoid of the cumulative knowledge made possible by written language & the subsequent technological advancement that follows has allowed them to retain the purest forms of savagery; not only is their average IQ 62 – one of the world’s lowest – aboriginals are the most psychopathic race on planet earth. Don’t relax!
Although the invasion of White civilization into this vibrant paleolithic culture has destroyed much, aboriginals still retain many of their traditional cultural norms; child abuse, child sex abuse & domestic violence is still ubiquitous & constant
2005: Blacks: S.Africa: Ritual Circumcision Likely Contributing to HIV Spread
Some Black tribes engage in ritual circumcision. (Sometimes the Black boys even die!!). It turns out that another side effect was spreading AIDS!