Audio: Volunteers Wanted – My Plans, Needs, Goals & Motivations


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Get a Free PDF Book: The Great Jewish Mask
This is an amazing pamphlet from 1935 that has been exceptionally popular on my website. You will get the 37 page book The Great Jewish Mask, with an index added to it.The Jews lie a lot about their history and most Christians are fooled by this.

Right-Click here to download the Audio

In this video I discuss my needs, ideas and experiences of dealing with volunteers and supporters in the past and things that I am thinking of for the future.

I have plans that I’ve not revealed to anyone yet.

I discuss the ideas behind Bitchute, and how those whites have prepared a great infrastructure as well as Gab and the failure of Hatreon.

I discuss where I think the Jews, Liberal scum and Elite are pushing us whites, and why we need to prepare for certain things in order to survive on the Internet in the future.

My most urgent needs currently are:-

1. Legal (in any form, even students, paralegal, etc).

2. Graphics & Images (now and then).

3. Technical, especially Linux.

4. “Detective” work.

5. I’m open to ideas and suggestions.

There are other things I discuss like posting on my websites and much other work. I’m also willing to listen to ideas.

If you are interested in signing up as a Volunteer, then just click either on “Volunteer” on the menu above, or click on “Contact us” and follow the menu options.

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Video & Audio: Rhodesia to Zimbabwe: Do Blacks cause massive climate damage?
Why are there so many droughts in Zimbabwe, almost for 15 years running and now these are impacting South Africas weather patterns like never before.

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