Audio: South Africa’s latest MASSIVE collapses: Blacks blame the Japanese – Military Intelligence Analysis


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Video & Audio: Hitler Vs Gandhi Non-Violence vs How you really get your FREEDOM!
We take a look at Hitlers love of the British and the British Empire. We look at what he thought about Gandhi. What would he have thought about the events that later happened in Africa? Also, what are Hitlers thoughts about how you get your freedom?

Right-Click here to download the Audio

Frederick invited me on to discuss the latest events in South Africa. We recorded this on 2019/02/20. We discuss the latest electricity collapse of 40% of the grid. The collapsing computer systems in banks. The collapse of SAA (South African Airways), Eskom, Telkom and the railways. We discuss black theft of electricity.

Can you believe that the BLACKS are blaming the Japanese for some of our massive electricity collapse? Also, blacks give their bogus reasons why handing over farms to blacks actually fails!

It is very possible that the mass firing of whites in recent years is one of the key reason for these collapses – over and above other actions of the blacks themselves.

I also discuss the possibility that I might get to the USA in 2019, instead of 2020 as I had originally hoped.

We discuss the Military Intelligence analysis video that I put out recently on my website:

In there our top Military Intelligence Analyst discussed concepts like “Functional Decay”, “Functional Collapse”, “Governmentally Empty” and most importantly the “Repositioning of the Whites”.

I explained to Frederick why I am very hopeful of the future and that whites working with whites will allow us to move to a whole new level. I explained why, “collapse” does not bother me at all, and why I see it as a very good thing.

Here’s the link to the Breakfast Club:

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Video & Audio: Questions about The White Tribes of Africa & Discussion about White Americans
Brant wanted to ask me questions about ALCORA the secret military alliance of the Whites of Southern Africa. But we ended up having a nice discussion about White Americans and the future of America.

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