Audio: Reverend Matt Hale The Five Fundamental Beliefs Of Creativity
White Shop: Solitaire (one player) Board Game: Caesar: The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire
In Solitaire Caesar, the Player commands Roman forces attempting to build an empire that will last as long as possible. Threats come from a variety of Civilized and Uncivilized Barbarian (non-Roman)opponents, while the internal stability of the empire is reduced. A typical game should take about 60 minutes to play.
[It's awesome to have an audio of Matt Hale. This is an actual audio of Matt Hale who has been tossed in jail for decades. Here he explains Creativity. The full transcript is below. Jan]
You can actually listen to Matt Hale discussing this:
Let me say at this time the five fundamental beliefs of Creativity. For those of you out there who are Creators, who are believers in Creativity, whether a member of the church or not, it behooves you to have these five fundamental beliefs memorized. It is very important to have these memorized, so that anytime anywhere someone asks you what Creativity is all about, you can have these five fundamental beliefs ready to discuss, to certainly read to the individual, repeat to the individual so that that individual can have a complete, or at least a rudimentary understanding of Creativity, the five fundamental beliefs of Creativity.
The Five Fundamental Beliefs of Creativity
Based on the laws of nature, history, logic and common sense, we Creators believe:
- That our race is our religion.
That the White Race is nature’s finest.
That racial loyalty is the greatest of all honors and racial treason is the worst of all crimes.
That what is good for the White Race is the highest virtue and what is bad for the White Race is the ultimate sin.
That the one and only, true and revolutionary White Racial Religion Creativity is the salvation for the White Race.
Now, let us take these in turns. “1. We believe that our race is our religion”. Yes, we believe that it makes far more sense to have a religion based on race, on our people, than have a religion based on the nether nether land or on ideas that are completely unsubstantiated and unproven. Now this does go against the grain of society, in which there are billions of individuals if you wish to count the non-whites as individuals or as human beings which is certainly debatable, who happen to believe that you can only have a religion or only a valid religion if you believe in God, or if you believe in Gods and your God happens to be this name or your Gods happens to be of that name. Well we believe that actually their religions are invalid in that they have belief systems that are completely devoid of factual basis. Somewhere along the line sadly enough it became acceptable to have a religion that is completely superstitious, completely irrational, completely without any facts to support it. We don’t believe that. We believe that religion should be fact based, not just faith-based. And in fact I have a saying that certainly feel free to use in your conversation with others, that faith without fact is folly. That is a good summation of our beliefs along those lines. Our race is our religion, not Jesus Christ, not a supernatural, because a supernatural is a contradiction in terms. There is no super nature, there’s nothing above nature.
Second fundamental belief: “We believe that the White Race is nature’s finest.” All history demonstrates this. All history shows that White people have accomplished far more than the other races put together. That if you look at for example the black race of Africa, they accomplished almost nothing until White people showed them what to do. Until White people brought them writing and taught them how to write, they had no written language. Until White people showed them how to invent a wheel they never did. They never domesticated an animal. They never invented a plow or a ? or any kind of farm equipment. They carried things on their heads rather than create a cart. Amazing but true. That’s just the blacks, if you look at the Orientals many of their achievements are dubious as far their origin. Many of their achievements actually came from White people and White people taught them how to do things and they copied the rest. We all know for example that after World War II, America went into Japan and basically taught them how to create things, how to create automobiles, how to create other things, computers etcetera. And yet White people invented all of those things: computers, automobiles, radios, television sets etcetera. So the Orientals are good at copying things, they are good at mimicking things, but they are not originators of worthwhile culture and civilization.
The White Race has accomplished in any objective sense far more than the other races combined. Merely look into an encyclopedia and you realize that White people have accomplished 90-99% of that which is described. Now the naysayers out there will say that: “This is because you held the other races down!”. Well let’s look at that for a moment. When White people arrived or encountered blacks in Africa, they had nothing. They had no written language, they had not domesticated an animal, they had not invented a wheel, they had not invented any kind of farm equipment, any kind of plow like I said earlier. They had homes made out of dung or mud at best. They were still throwing spears as their ancestors had for thousands of years. They had no advancement. They were living at a stone-age level. Now, ask your friendly liberal this question: “If we held them down, how did they suffer? How were they held down?” for example, I should put it a little bit better. “If we really held them down, how did they have less after encountering White people than before encountering White people? In other words: what was taken from them?”. Nothing. We didn’t take their civilization from them, because they had no civilisation. We didn’t ruin their cities because they had no cities. They were essentially in the mud when White people started to enforce their will upon them. And if anything, if anything, the blacks were advanced by dealing with White people. White people helped them up from the mud. For example in this country the blacks have the highest standard of living than anywhere else in the world and under Apartheid South Africa they had the second highest standard of living than anywhere else in the world. It is not that White people held down the blacks, it’s that we helped them raise their standard all across the board. Where there was ignorance we brought intelligence, we brought some learning. Where there were sickness, we brought health. Where there were anarchy, we brought order. We helped, and I say “we” loosely”, but we as White people have done nothing but helped the blacks of this world. And in fact they should be thanking us for helping them. Instead of there being talk of reparations for slavery it is they who owe us. It is they who have destroyed our communities. It is they who have caused hell in the public schools and have driven down the standard in the public school. It is they who have raped and murdered their way across this country. They owe us, not the other way around.
The third fundamental belief of Creativity: “We believe that racial loyalty is the greatest of all honors and racial treason is the worst of all crimes.” If you’re like me, when you went to grade school or high school you were taught that Benedict Arnold was a bad man, because he betrayed America. Now that’s all fine and dandy. But what about the traitors to White people that are running around freely today? If it is bad to be a traitor to America, how can it not also be bad and in fact more bad, worse, to be a traitor to your White Race? We believe that racial loyalty of course is an honor. That it is great and right and just to be loyal to your own kind, for the same reason that it is great and just to be loyal to your family for example. What kind of person would be disloyal to their parents or seek to betray their brother or sister or their son or daughter? Not many, and those individuals who would partake in such a thing would be universally condemned and derided. We believe that similarly, individuals who betray their White Race should be derided and condemned. And that there is nothing worse in fact than a race traitor.
Now the question becomes: what about those White people right now who are betraying their race? The answer if simple. They will have to repent for their actions, they will have to turn their thinking around and quit subsidizing, aiding and supporting the other races at their own race’ expense. Obviously when we come to power in this world, when we have achieved the power, the victory that we seek, they better have repented. They better have turned their act around and become honorable White people once again, because we will not have any tolerance for traitors. Just as we did not have tolerance or have not had tolerance for those who had betrayed America. Many times in this country’s history, individuals were tried, convicted and executed for treason to the United States and we will have the same punishment for those who betray, who consciously betray their White people. And certainly that would include those who are running around right now engaging in bestiality with the other races. Those White women who are having half-primate children. Those White men who are choosing to choose a urine colored bride from the Orient or choosing to partake in “Mestizo entertainment”. Those individuals of course are filthy, disgusting individuals. Now we hope that they can turn their act around, we are tolerant in that regard, but we will not be tolerant once we have achieved our aims, unless they have fully repented for their actions.
The fourth fundamental belief: “We believe that what is good for the White Race is the highest virtue and what is bad for the White Race is the ultimate sin.” Yes indeed. See we believe that the foundation of any creed if it is worthwhile at all must be the advancement, the survival and the advancement of its own kind. We don’t choose to believe that what is good for the Jews is the highest virtue or what is good for the niggers is the highest virtue, but what is good for the White Race. Now that makes absolute sense just like everything else in Creativity. If we are going to place any value on something in this value we should place it in our own people. Our own people are worth saving. There are individuals out there who would say: “Well, all I care about is my self.” Well, we disagree with that type of selfishness. That type of selfishness causes the destruction of our own kind. And once again, as I stated earlier, the survival of one’s own kind is the highest law of nature. Every creature out there in the wild so to speak looks out for its own. You don’t see for example crows aiding cardinals, you don’t see them interbreeding. You see each race, each species, each sub-species looking out for its own.
Now: “what is bad for the White Race is the ultimate sin”, that’s the second part of the fourth fundamental belief. That of course is related to the third fundamental belief about racial treason, but the fourth fundamental belief talks in general, what it’s getting at in general is that in any issue that we come up against or encounter in our lives, we should look at whether it’s good for our people or bad for our people. There are some things that are neutral, it is true. There are some things like, well, watching a television show or reading a book, that might be neutral so to speak. It may not be good for the White Race per se, it might not be bad per se. But when it comes to things like feeding the blacks of Africa, that’s obviously bad for the White Race. Educating the non-whites, that’s bad for the White Race. Welcoming non-whites into your neighborhood, that’s bad for the White Race. Why? Because it’s against our interests. We don’t want more non-whites in the world, there are billions of them as there are, because of White subsidies I might add. And we know that the other races are our biological enemies, that all species, in fact all mammals, have biological enemies and we do too, namely the lower races. Bears are not our biological enemies, sharks are not our biological enemies, dogs are not our biological enemies. Blacks, Orientals, Jews, anyone who is non-white is our biological, natural enemy. At this time I will take a short break, I will be back very soon.
We’re back, had a short little break. We’re recording this to an audio cassette as well, so that this can be produced for our members, our supporters, our adherents around the world who do not have the opportunity to listen to this on the Internet. Let me say at this point, or in fact let’s first cover the fifth fundamental belief of Creativity: “We believe that the one and only, true and revolutionary White Racial Religion Creativity is the only salvation for the White Race.” Now I know, there are many individuals listening to me now who are not members of the church and certainly can appreciate that. What matters most of all is that you believe in Creativity, the religion, the White Racial Religion and promote it to others. But let me say this, there is an idea in some of the White Racial movement that organizations are interchangeable somehow. That a person can be a member of the church just as easily as be a member of the National Alliance or various Klan organizations or the Aryan Nations and so forth. Sometimes I’ve even, in fact just recently I had a fellow, I appreciated his audacity in some ways or his… well, I think that’s probably the best word I can think of off-hand. But he asked me, he said: “Well, why don’t you join the National Alliance and help the National Alliance?”. Well, I don’t wish to join the National Alliance, because Creativity is better. The World Church of The Creator is the best organization that there is. There is no doubt in my mind that The World Church of The Creator is the best and maybe the only hope in this White Racial struggle that we are embarking upon. Now, that doesn’t mean I don’t respect individuals that believe in their own organization. Certainly I believed, well I have been involved in other organizations in the past years ago. It took me three organizations to realize that Creativity and The Church of The Creator was the best. So, I have no disrespect at all for those who are right now choosing the National Alliance or other organization paths. But that doesn’t mean that I must change my mind about what I believe is the only solution to the racial problems that we are confronting, and that is Creativity and the organizational embodiment of Creativity–The World Church of The Creator.
It is my hope in fact that in time all organizations will join The World Church of The Creator. I believe it is in fact inevitable that one day we will have one if not maybe a handful of organizations rather than the hundreds that we have right now. We must become rather than simply nip pick at the enemy or I guess pin prick I should say at the enemy, let us become a mighty battering ram. Let all those who believe in the heroic and the holy message of Creativity become members of The World Church of The Creator, so that we can organize in mass and we can truly have an organization that is international in scope and have the best chance of securing our people’s birthright. There are many well-meaning comrades out there who believe that simply believing is enough, or believe in lone wolf activism or something of that nature. But the fact of the matter is that White people are far more able to confront the Jewish monster united and organized than simply every man for himself. This every man for himself individualistic idea is bad, is a problem, is styming us from achieving the victory that we all seek.
Like I say, I was at one time a member of different organizations. I started out with my organization, in fact, gosh I’ve been in one organization or another since I was 12 years old. When I was 12 years old I founded my own organization called “The New Reich” and of course that was inspired and influenced by my reading of “Mein Kampf” when I was 12. I might have been 13 actually when I founded “The New Reich” but in any case that was the history of that. And eventually we had an organization called The White Guard [most probably inspired and influenced by George Lincoln Rockwell's The White Guard in the 1960s–"young, White fighting men to help protect society from the Black and Red revolution"], now this was organizations while I was still a kid basically. And The White Guard later became The American White Supremacist Party and then The American White Supremacist Party became debunked and there later was The National Socialist White American’s Party and finally, finally in april of 1995 or as we like to call it now 22 AC, the 22nd year of Creativity, I decided to join with what I realized and believed was the best hope for White people in this world–The Church of The Creator and it became The World Church of The Creator. And The World Church of The Creator is permanent, The World Church of The Creator will endure all attacks, all attempts to derail it, and in fact has endured all of the previous attacks that we have encountered. As many of you know we have been sued repeatedly, we have had individuals try to crash and break up our meetings and yet we remain very much intact, perhaps stronger than ever, I would say so in fact stronger than ever. More determined than ever, more respected than ever. There are very few individuals out there who do not appreciate, honor and respect The World Church of The Creator and I’m very proud of that.
V01: The 2nd Hitler: Dr Hendrik Verwoerd: Greatest White leader in the history of S.Africa
Dr Verwoerd is known as The Architect of Apartheid. He was a Christian, but also a closet NAZI. The Jews of South Africa hated him intensely.