ATTENTION: From Jan: Remaining Email issues – Contact me if I sent you junk


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Video & Audio: Zimbabwe: After the Blacks destroyed the Whites they had a Secret Famine
This video is filled with lots of hideous, weird and creepy things relating to Blacks. In this video we look at some of the nasty things Blacks did to Whites in Zimbabwe.

This is a note to everyone regarding the email issues.

I fixed all the original problems that I saw, which were critical.

However, I had begun seeing other strange things that looked very wrong to me.

Some might have been the slip of the wrist on my part. But others are weird, strange, serious things I’ve never seen before.

If you got "garbled/badly formatted" big emails that are almost impossible to read then just reply to it and tell me you want a proper copy and I’ll send you one. I know quite a lot of people got these, and this might have been a slip of the wrist on my part.

But, there are others that are really weird: Blank emails or emails sent to you that were not meant for you.

If you received any such things, then again, just hit the reply button and tell me about it.

I need to look into these things. These are new, weird problems and I’m not quite sure of the cause. I need to investigate it.

And I need to monitor it to see if these are ongoing issues.

My apologies for the mess.

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Video: Guilt Tripping Canadians and Americans over First Nations and History
We also discussed the jailing of Leslie Bory in Canada after speaking about the Jews. We discussed many topics including Africa and Boers. This discussion took place on a Canadian show called: Rock the Boat.

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