Attention: From Jan: HistoryReviewed Theme is BROKEN! – Busy fixing…


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Video: Decapitation: How the Boers dealt with violent crowds of Blacks
A young Boer I knew, Gilbert, told me of the time in the early 1990s when he served in the South African Army and was stationed in the townships. He described the tactics the Boers used to smash violent black crowds with a minimum loss of life.

This is a quick note. Late last night I was doing some work on my website, and I did a silly thing and the next thing I knew was that my entire theme was broken. So the website is looking like crap at the moment.

I have been working on this for several hours, and I think I’m close to a solution. Just bear with me a little longer.

I hope to have it up in the next hour or two.

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A Good Christian Website that exposes Jews, their Lies and Crimes
There is a lot of stuff on here. It‘s a good source.

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