Are the Jews of Israel trying to scam Christians with junk End Times Prophecies? – A Christian replies


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[This is a note a Christian sent me. Jan]

He wrote:
In response to your article "are Jews trying to fulfill end time prophecy" Yes, they are along with their helpers the Christian evangelicals and other religious groups who have been brainwashed with this heresy. It has been a hundred year indoctrination through false twisted theology. The Jews and their helpers are shoehorning the scriptures into this Zionist doctrine with self fulfilling prophecies they imagine they see in the OT and NT. The useful idiots as they are called by the Jews need the backing of these people to forward their big plan for the larger Israel. The plan is laid out in books such as ‘The late great planet earth’ written by Hal Lindsey and many other books. The main indoctrination tool has been the footnotes in the Schofield bible. A good documentary on the larger picture to this demonic doctrine is ‘The mystery of Israel solved’ on stop World In this presentation it lays out the whole fiendish Zionist plan very clearly.

I replied:

I’m sure the Jews just want to make people do idiotic stuff and I suspect quite a few Boers in South Africa are pro-Israel. Over here we all were in the past when we were all stupid. Jews will no doubt milk every Christian in every way they can. They will just want to see who is stupid enough to believe them and then they’ll scam them. Jews are such human garbage.

You mentioned: "The mystery of Israel solved" – I did post this link in recent weeks. But I have not actually watched it myself. I will definitely make a note to look at it.

Jews are low trust garbage. They don’t belong in Western civilisation.

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Video: Nordic Resistance No 224: The Great Hope, PW Botha, Hutterites
This is a positive, upbeat show where Nordic Resistance interviewed me about some of my videos. We also discuss my video about the European Race being immortal as well as my contact with former President PW Botha and what he told me.

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