Are Jews non-Whites who interbred with Whites to become White?


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Video: WTA01: ALCORA: The Secret Military Alliance of Whites to fight Blacks in Africa
In this video you will hear things that even Whites here in Africa dont know. None of our leaders nor any of our authors told us any of this.

[The other day it hit me that even though, across the West, Jews appear to be White and are treated as White and in various cases, like in South Africa, they are classified as White, that they can't be White. The original thought that made me realise this was that in the time when Palestine was occupied by the Romans and they had a lot of shit with the Jews, it is known to science that the Jews were MIXED RACE NON-WHITES. Scientists and archaeologists have known this for long. Yet, there were Jews who ended up going into the Roman Empire. But since they were Mixed Race, how is it that most modern Jews in the Western world are "White"? I know there are Chinese Jews and other Asian Jews and even Black Jews (e.g. Ethiopia). So how come all the Jews we see in the West appear to be White? Also, when I look around and try to spot Jews, I have also noticed that there is something about most (but not all) "White" Jews, that you can see that their faces and features are different from Whites. You can actually see it, especially in their faces, EVEN WHEN THEY LOOK VERY EUROPEAN. There are a small number of Jews who have so much European DNA in them that they are almost totally indistinguishable from Whites. So I decided to throw the question to others who have studied the matter. Furthermore, there is the issue that there seem to be TWO or THREE sources for Jews which makes it confusing. Jews originally are garbage from the Middle East. But then you get Jews from Khazaria and also from the "Pale of Settlement" which is in Eastern Europe. So how much "Whiteness" exists in Jews? Has anyone ever tested them? Genetically, humans are NOT one species IF YOU APPLY SCIENCE PROPERLY. Professor Carrol Quigley pointed this out. He pointed out that by some agreement, humans, and only humans are NOT treated by science the same way science is applied to other animals. Therefore, many humans that are seen as other "races" would be more accurately classified as a "another species". I have been thinking that many humans are surely other SPECIES.  Jan]

I threw the question at Alex Linder and his answer surprised me. Alex says that Jews are only 40% White. That’s a fascinating assessment and I take that seriously:

On 2022/04/22 Alex Linder wrote:
Khazar theory is bunk. Deliberately spread by jew Koestler to counteract the truth that jews are NOT the same race as whites.

In fact jews are roughly 40% European. They’re hybrids, but I’d still call them a race or even species. Most of them by numbers are Ashkenazi from eastern europe, ie Poland and Russia. They mostly bred among themselves, and grew their numbers over about 1000 years, but they still picked up a good admixture from the White europeans they lived among. and of course, they’re well aware that partial mixing helps them blend in and makes it easier to fool our dim kind with their ‘fellow whites’ routine.

I replied:
Wow. So the Khazar theory is bunk. I had heard it so much that I had begun believing it. Does it mean that most Jews are from "the Pale of settlement" in Eastern Europe?

But surely there must also have been a lesser number of Jews originally from the Middle East? e.g. like in the days when the Romans had trouble with them?

So you say only 40% European! Nice! (Agreed that they’re a separate species).


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Video: The Greatest Jewish Lie told about Spanish Christians that EVERYBODY BELIEVES!
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