Another good Video website for Whites: World Truth Videos – WANTED: White Video Websites


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Video: JEWS DID 911: World Trade Center Building 7: Foreknowledge of Collapse with Dr MacQueen
In this video you‘ll see how everyone knew WTC7 was going to collapse. The only thing missing from the video is that the JEW SILVERSTEIN admitted that he gave the ORDER to bring it down!

One of my supporters mentioned that this is a great site. I had a brief look and it looks good.

I am always looking for websites where I can upload my videos as well. So website suggestions are welcome.

LBRY was a disappointment because it seemed to be reserved for a couple of specific outlets like Alex Jones.

JewTube will have accelerated matters because it is run by a Jewish CEO and she just banned 8,000 channels. I think the best part of the 2020 election fraud will be the massive growth in new White/Conservative social media and that we will see even more websites that can handle video content.

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When the Blacks tried to genocide all the Portuguese in Angola: The Battle of Carmona
We look at the first day of the bloodiest racial conflict that ever took place in southern Africa, the war between the Portuguese and the blacks. It was a war the Portuguese were definitely going to WIN!

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